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Aerial Archaeology J. Dassie... __ Archaeologist pilot describes own work in France. Link to English version at bottom of page. - photos & good text - http://www.archaero.com
Aerial Archaeology in Northern France __ "Roger Agache, pioneer of aerial archaeology in France, reveals the methods to seeing and interpreting the terrain from above. The remarkable discoveries, coming from aerial photography in Picardy, are introduced through amazing photographs and splendid watercolors." - illustrated - From gouv.fr - http://www.archeologie-aerienne.culture.gouv.fr/en/index.html
The Aerial Archaeology Newsletter __ This online newsletter is a good introduction to aerial archaeology by the Aerial Archaeology Newsletter. Archaeologists really can "dig the sky." Well illustrated - http://www.nmia.com/~jaybird/AANewsletter
Archaeological Remote Sensing __ A general introduction to remote sensing archaeology and articles about various locations such as Chaco Canyon. - illustrated - From nasa.gov - http://www.ghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/archeology/remote_sensing.html
Archiving Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing Data: A Guide to Good Practice __ Just what the name of the website says. - From AHDS Guides to Good Practice - http://ads.ahds.ac.uk/project/goodguides/apandrs/
BBC - History - Aerial Archaeology __ "Imprinted on the wild landscape of Britain is a rich history, visible not just in the buildings but in the shape of the landscape itself. English Heritage's Dave MacLeod explains how aerial archaeology offers a unique insight into past communities and events." Learn what aerial archaeology is and how it is used. Lots of links to related subjects. - illustrated - From BBC - http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/archaeology/excavations_techniques/time_flyers_01.shtml
City Beneath the
Mounds __ Learn about the remote sensing mapping of a prehistoric
American metropolis in the state of Georgia, the Etowah Mounds. - illustrated -
From archaeology.org -
City Planning System of the Ancient Bohai (Parhae) State (Summary)
__ "This
paper examines the city planning system of the ancient Bohai State using
recently declassified intelligence satellite (CORONA satellite) photos acquired
in the 1960's by the United States." You will find the full paper. - From Noboru
Ogata -
CSR Remote Sensing of the Environment __ This is not only a good introduction to remote sensing and archaeology but an excellent research report as well. Learn about Chersonesos, located on the north coast of the Black Sea. - illustrated - From University of Texas at Austin - http://www.csr.utexas.edu/rs/research/arch/
GIS Modeling of Archaeological Sites in the Raccoon River Greenbelt __ "Concern for preserving archaeological sites in the Greenbelt increased recently due to extensive flooding in 1993 and rapid urbanization in the past decade." Learn about the project and its impact. - From Paul F. Anderson/Iowa State University - http://www.public.iastate.edu/~fridolph/archmod.html
Ground Penetrating Radar in Archaeology __ Learn how ground penetrating radar is used to find and study archaeological sites. - From University of Denver - http://www.du.edu/~lconyer/
Hillsborough: Shovel-free archaeology dig __ "Travis Doering, and Lori Collins, have traded in picks and shovels for lasers and computers, helping pioneer a new way to learn about ancient sites without having to dig them up." Article about remote sensing archaeology. - From sptimes.com - http://www.sptimes.com/2007/06/03/Hillsborough/Shovel_free_archaeolo.shtml
Internet Archaeol 2. Powlesland et al Home Page __ "Enhancing the record through remote sensing: The application and integration of multi-sensor, non-invasive remote sensing techniques for the enhancement of the Sites and Monuments Record. Heslerton Parish Project, N. Yorkshire, England." You will find a detailed report and links to related materials. - illustrated - From Internet Archaeology - http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue2/pld_index.html
Landscape archaeology and remote sensing in southern Madagascar __
"This paper demonstrates how remote sensing can be used to aid the
general approach of landscape archaeology. The methodology and results of a
project attempting to elucidate links and controls between environmental change
and long-term social change in southern Madagascar are outlined." A PDF File,
Acrobat Reader needed- From ksu.edu.sa -
Laser Beams Penetrating Thick Canopy Detect Thousands of New Structures, Show Maya Adept at 'Building Green' __ "ScienceDaily (May 12, 2010) — A flyover of Belize's thick jungles has revolutionized archaeology worldwide and vividly illustrated the complex urban centers developed by one of the most-studied ancient civilizations -- the Maya." A news article. - From sciencedaily.com - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100511111935.htm
Lesson Planning, Lesson Plan Formats and Lesson Plan Ideas __ How to produce a lesson plan and not just for archaeology either. - From adprima.com - http://www.adprima.com/lesson.htm
Maritime Archaeology,
Underwater Remote Sensing Surveys, Marine ... __ While a commercial
site, you will still find general information and some good project reports. -
illustrated - From dolanresearch.com -
NASA Archeology Research - Chaco Canyon, New Mexico __ "The
Chaco Canyon Research Center had done aerial photography and a ground survey. This was the
beginning of an archeological database, to which, we proposed to add thermal
infrared multispectral data. If our sensors could locate prehistoric features,
this would prove that using remote sensing technology could work for
archeology." Learn about this program and its effect on research. - illustrated
- From nasa.gov -
NASA helps excavate Mississippi Gulf Coast history with remote sensing __ A press release: "A research scientist with NASA's Earth System Science Office at the John C. Stennis Space Center in Hancock County participated in Mississippi Archaeology Week Oct. 9-16 and used remote sensing to conduct non- invasive archaeology." Read the whole article. - From spaceref.com - http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=57
New Zealand aerial archaeology __ "New Zealand has some 6,000 earthwork fortifications, the product of widespread warfare in the pre-European period from about A.D. 1500 to A.D. 1800. In addition, Maori quickly adopted and developed aspects of gun warfare in the nineteenth century: as many as 600 fortified sites were built or adapted from pre-European types...The aerial photographs in this compendium are oblique or low oblique (near vertical) images..." - illustrated - From Kevin L. Jones - http://nzarchaeology.org/aerial/opacs.html
Remote sensing (archaeology) __ You will find an encyclopedic article along with links to related materials. - From wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_sensing_%28archaeology%29
Remote Sensing and Archaeology: The Chora of Chersonesos __ "Chersonesos, located on the north coast of the Black Sea, is an ancient Greek colony with a uniquely preserved agricultural territory. The Center for Space Research (CSR), in collaboration with the University of Texas Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICA), is investigating the use of remote sensing in a comprehensive regional study of this ancient agricultural territory." You will find a good report. - illustrated - From utexas.edu - http://www.csr.utexas.edu/rs/research/arch/
Remote Sensing Archeology Research at NASA __ "Much of human history can be traced through the impacts of human actions upon the environment. The use of remote sensing technology offers the archeologist the opportunity to detect these impacts which are often invisible to the naked eye." Read about NASA's contributions to the science. You will find several articles. - illustrated - From NASA - http://www.ghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/archeology/archeology.html
Remote Sensing at Shiloh National Military Park, archaeology __ " The work documented a wide array of Civil War era military features, New Deal era archaeological excavation trenches, and Mississippian mound construction stages." A good overview. - illustrated - From nps.gov - http://www.nps.gov/seac/shiloh/shiloh-index.htm
Remote Sensing Mapping at the Angel and Grabert Sites in Southwestern Indiana by Ball, Stephen __ A brief article about remote sensing and Indian mounds in Indiana. - From Indiana University, Bloomington - http://www.gbl.indiana.edu/abstracts/90/ball_90.html
Remote-Sensing Survey of D-Day Landing Sites (Normandy, France) __ "In 2000 the Naval Historical Center's Underwater Archaeology Branch began a three-year archaeological remote-sensing survey to locate and document U.S. Navy losses incurred during the D-Day invasion. The remnants of historic craft located off the allied landing sectors represents a microcosm of World War II-era U.S. Navy shipwrecks and submerged battlefields worldwide, as well as the largest known assemblage of naval-related vessel losses anywhere in the world." A good report. - From US Navy - http://www.history.navy.mil/branches/org12-6k.htm
Royal Aztec
crypt wows archaeologists __ "Mexican archaeologists using
ground-penetrating radar have detected underground chambers they believe contain
the remains of Emperor Ahuizotl, who ruled the Aztecs when Columbus landed in
the New World. It would be the first tomb of an Aztec ruler ever found." A
news story. - illustrated - From msnbc.msn.com -
Satellite remote sensing-GIS and Remote Sensing for Archaeology: Burgundy, France __ "Satellite remote sensing can provide a variety of useful data for this type of research. A variety of sources for such data exist, and while the data can be expensive and require extensive digital image processing, they provide a synoptic view which is not available from aerial photography. It takes over 200 aerial mapping photos to cover the same area as a single satellite image." Read more about this research technology. - illustrated - English or French - From Scott Madry, Ph.D. - http://www.informatics.org/france/sat.html
The Sky's Eyes: Remote Sensing in Archaeology __ a great introduction to remote sensing archaeology. "Some would argue that the greatest advancement in archaeology since the shovel is remote sensing, or being able to "see" an archaeological site without actually excavating it. (If nothing else, it's certainly easier on the lower back.)" You will learn about remote sensing archaeology and the search for the lost city of Arabia. - illustrated - from NOVA - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ubar/tools/
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