Ancient Roman Cooking Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
Roman Recipes & General Information about Roman Food
Cooking Around the World - Anthropology of Food
Anthropology of Food, Food Science - General Resources
Recipes from History
Ancient Roman Cooking - Ancient Egyptian Cooking - Medieval Cooking
Food Traditions and Recipes From Several Countries
Anthropology of Food is an analysis of food in culture. While the
primary purpose for food is nutrition, it also has a cultural dimension
by which people choose what they eat not only by flavor or nutritional
value but by cultural, religious, economic, status and environmental
factors. - These pages are a collection of sampler recipes
providing only a taste of the ancient world.
Due to the nature of the topic, some selected sites may have a commercial element as well as excellent information. Such selection does not constitute an endorsement of any commercial product by |
The Ancient Roman Diet: Typical Food and Ingredients Used in Roman ... __ "Based on the evidence of recipes and carbonised shopping lists from Pompeii, the average Roman family’s diet would have been largely simple and nutritious." A general overview of roman diet. - From -
Ancient Roman Dishes __ 20 good recipes from ancient Rome. - From -
Antique Roman Dishes - Collection __ A collection of recipes of ancient Roman foods, translated from a German translation of "Marcus Gaius Apicius: De Re Coquinaria." - From Carnegie Mellon University -
Ancient Roman Food and Dining __ A good collection of recipes but the green background makes them kind of hard to read. - From Southwestern University Latin III students -
Ancient Roman Recipes __ Nice collection of ancient roman recipes including one for the ancient version of the "burger." - From -
Ancient Roman Recipes __ "Lavish feasts there were, but also perfectly ordinary meals, very similar to what we eat today. The Romans dined on roast pork in spicey sauces, snacked on cheese with dates and nuts, ate omelettes with mushrooms and enjoyed desserts of cheesecake and figs in custard." A good look at ancient Roman foods. - illustrated - From -
Ancient Roman Recipes __ A small collection of recipes. - From -
Banquet __ "The Roman banquet included everything from raw fish and crustaceans to the exotic specialties listed on the menu below, taken from a cookbood of Apicius. The affair usually lasted through the night. Entertainment was provided by dancers, musicians, acrobats and poets." A menu. - From -
BBC - History - Roman Food and Recipes __ "For the ordinary Roman, food was basic. The staple diet consisted mostly of a wheat-based porridge, seasoned with herbs or meat if available. However, ...on special occasions the table would be festooned with more luxurious fare." Three good recipes. - From Sally Grainger/ -
Classics Department: Roman Cooking __ "Where would we be without food? Romans, while disdaining the Greeks for decadence and luxury, were quite fond of it themselves, at least in the upper classes. Poorer Romans made due on fish, bread, grain, olives, and the obligatory wine. Patricians, and many of those in the middle class, ate from a slightly more interesting menu. Many tales are recorded of the fabulous banquets thrown by the rich and powerful. Below are some places you can check out before attempting your own Roman banquet." Good information and resources about Roman food and dining. Plan a Roman banquet of your own. - illustrated - From University of Vermont -
Description Of A Roman Banquet __ History, evolution and description of a Roman banquet. - From -
Eight ancient Roman recipes from Around the Roman Table: Food and Feasting in Ancient Rome __ "In addition to a wealth of material about culinary customs and techniques in ancient Rome, Patrick Faas translated more than 150 Roman recipes and reconstructed them for the modern cook. Here are eight recipes from from the book—from salad to dessert." - From University of Chicago -
Garum - Roman fish sauce garum __ Information about this ancient seasoning as well as recipes for both ancient and modern versions. - From -
Real Roman Recipes __ A small collection of recipes. Mostly 'snack foods' for the Roman bath. - From NOVA -
Roman Food - Food in Ancient Rome __ "Information on Roman food. Recipes, eating, and ..." - From -
Roman Food - History for Kids __ Ancient Roman Feasts and Recipes Adapted for Modern Cooking, by Jon Solomon (1977). A history of Roman food, and then about a hundred Roman recipes... - From -
Roman cuisine __ You will find an encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - From wikipedia -
Roman recipes from Apicius __ Collection of a few recipes and some history. - From -
What is garum? __ You will find a brief article about this ancient sauce including a recipe for a modern version. - From -
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