Rt Hon. Andrew Fisher


Australian History

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Prime Ministers of Australia

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Prime Minister Barton, Edmond - Prime Minister Bruce, Stanly - Prime Minister Chifley, Ben - Prime Minister Cook, Joseph - Prime Minister Curtin, John - Prime Minister Deakin, Alfred - Prime Minister Fadden, Arthur - Prime Minister Fisher, Andrew - Prime Minister Fraser, Malcolm - Prime Minister Forde, Francis - Prime Minister Gorton, John - Prime Minister Hawke, Bob - Prime Minister Holt, Harold - Prime Minister Howard, John - Prime Minister Hughes, William - Prime Minister Keating, Paul - Prime Minister Lyons, Joseph - Prime Minister McEwen, John - Prime Minister McMahon, William - Prime Minister Menzies, Robert - Prime Minister Page, Earle - Prime Minister Reid, George - Prime Minister Scullin, James - Prime Minister Watson, John - Prime Minister Whitlam, Gough


Andrew Fisher __ An overview of his life, politics, with links to a ready reference, key people in his administration, and so much more. - illustrated - From National Archives of Australia - http://primeministers.naa.gov.au/meetpm.asp?pmId=6  

Andrew Fisher __ "Andrew Fisher (29 August 1862 – 22 October 1928) was an Australian politician and the fifth Prime Minister of Australia."  You will find an encyclopedic article along with links to related materials. - illustrated - From wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Fisher

Andrew Fisher __ "When Andrew Fisher emigrated to Queensland in 1885 he was a tall, handsome, sandy-haired Scot, with hands calloused by 13 years in the coalmines."  A good look at his life and work along with other information. - From Robertsbridge and Langlen - http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/5557/fisher.html 

Andrew Fisher __ "Over a century after his emigration to Australia, the Scottish mining village of Crosshouse has not forgotten its favourite son, a coal miner and, more surprisingly, an Australian prime minister."  A Scots salute to Andrew Fisher. - From electricscotland.com - http://www.electricscotland.com/History/australia/andrew_fisher.htm

Andrew Fisher, Prime Minister Of Australia __ Information for the younger student created by younger students. - From Brookvale Public School - http://www.brookvaleps.nsw.edu.au/PROJECTS/Prime_Ministers/Andrew_Fisher.html

Category:Andrew Fisher __ Several click-to-enlarge pictures of Andrew Fisher. - illustrated - From wikimedia.org - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Andrew_Fisher

First World War.com - Who's Who - Andrew Fisher __ A brief biography of Andrew Fisher. - From firstworldwar.com - http://www.firstworldwar.com/bio/fisher_andrew.htm


Fisher, Andrew (1862 - 1928) __ A detailed look at the life and work of Andrew Fisher.  Embedded links to related subjects. - illustrated - From anu.edu.au - http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/biogs/A080529b.htm 

Prime Minister - Andrew Fisher __ An outline as well as a detailed look at Andrew Fisher, even to trivia and much more. - From gavmag.com - http://www.gavmag.com/austpm/pm_fisher.htm 

Prime Ministers of Australia - Fisher __ "Andrew Fisher was the most successful of our early Labor Prime Ministers - because he won so many elections. He became Prime Minister not once, not twice - but three times!"  You will find an overview of his life and public career. The portrait above is from this page. - From National Museum of Australia - http://tinyurl.com/hp648 


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