Darwin, Overview and City Profile Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
Australian States and Territories Capital Cities
Canberra is found in World Capital Cities
New South Wales, ( Sydney ) - Northern Territory, ( Darwin ) - Queensland, ( Brisbane ) - South Australia, ( Adelaide ) - Tasmania, ( Hobart ) - Victoria, ( Melbourne ) - Western Australia, ( Perth )
Go to Northern Territory Social Studies
City of Darwin: Community Profile __ "The City of Darwin Community Profile includes results from the 2001, 1996 and 1991 Censuses of Population and Housing...The City of Darwin Community Profile is designed to inform community groups, Council, investors, business, students and the general public. To achieve this, the Profile is formatted to present the data in simple, clear tables and charts with concise factual commentary." - From id.com.au - http://www.id.com.au/darwin/commprofile/Default.asp?bhcp=1
Darwin Australia __ A good introduction to the city of Darwin for the younger student. - illustrated - From kidcyber.com.au - http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/Darwin.htm
Darwin City Life - THE Guide to Darwin Northern Territory Australia __ "The online guide for residents and visitors with all you need to know about the city of Darwin Northern Territory Australia." - illustrated - From bcl.com.au - http://www.bcl.com.au/darwin/
Darwin Map __ Interactive map with street index. - From arta.com.au -
Darwin, Northern Territory __ An encyclopedic article with links to related
materials. - illustrated - From Wikipedia -
Darwin - Transport in Darwin Northern Territory Australia __ "Public transport, hire cars, airport transfers in and around Darwin, Australia." - From bcl.com.au - http://www.bcl.com.au/darwin/trans.htm
Darwin Travel
__ "The 'capital' of northern Australia is closer to Jakarta
than it is to Sydney, and closer to Singapore than it is to Melbourne, so it
should come as no surprise that it looks outward to Asia as much as it looks
inland to the rest of Australia." You will find images, essential information
and much more. - illustrated - From Lonelyplanet.com -
Emigrating to Darwin - Australian Northern Territory - Global Visas __ "Find
information on emigrating to Darwin, within the Australian Northern Territory,
the nations fastest growing economic area with Australias friendliest business
environment." - From globalvisas.com -
History __ "Darwin's harbour was first sighted in 1839 by John Lort Stokes of HMS Beagle. The ship's captain, John Clements Wickham, named the port after Charles Darwin, the British Naturalist, who had sailed with him on an earlier expedition of the Beagle." And the story continues. Scroll on down the page for economy, education, culture and sports plus much more. - - illustrated - From nationmaster.com - http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Darwin,-Northern-Territory#History
Port of Darwin Australia's Northern Gateway __ Learn about the Port of Darwin including information on "Port Facilities, Port Services, Shipping Movements, Shipping Services, Port Charges, Port Statistics, Cruise Ship Terminal..." and much more. - illustrated - From Northern Territory Government - http://www.nt.gov.au/dpa/
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