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The number of sites available online for this topic is enormous. This site can not and does not index all of them. Many of them seem to pop into existence and then vanish again. Those selected have a track record of staying around for a while. If you can't find what you are looking for here, the following does provide some idea of what is available online and will hopefully be a good starting point for a more thorough search. |
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Department of Energy - Energy-Saving Tips __ You will find tips for saving energy and money at home and office. - From US Department of Energy - http://www.energy.gov/energysavingtips.htm
EERE: Energy Savers Tips Home Page __ "Energy Savers provides homeowners with tips for saving energy and money at home and on the road. By following just a few of the simple tips found on this Energy Savers Web site..." Tips, resources and more. - From energy.gov - http://www1.eere.energy.gov/consumer/tips/
Energy Alternatives - Conservation Section __ "When considering an alternative energy system, the very first thing that must be addressed is conservation. No matter how your energy is produced, it is cheaper to not use it in the first place." Learn how to cut back. - From energyalternatives.ca - http://www.energyalternatives.ca/conservation.asp
Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Tips __ "Useful tips for home owners, home buyers, builders and remodelers for improving the energy efficiency of existing homes and new homes." - From toolbase.org - http://www.toolbase.org/tertiaryT.asp?TrackID=&CategoryID=16&DocumentID=2662
Energy conservation in the home __ "When comparing an average house to an energy efficient house, it’s possible to reduce annual energy bills up to 40 percent. Prudent homeowners should consider developing an energy conservation plan for their home. This is both an environmentally friendly and economically sound action." You can learn how. - From Colorado State University - http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/consumer/10610.html
Energy Conservation: Starting At Home : NPR __ More than a dozen states have adopted goals to cut back on using energy. Learn about one such state here. - From npr.org - http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92931988
Energy & Water Conservation __ You will find a current list of home energy and water conservation ideas, followed by listings for each energy and water category. - From dailyhomerenotips.com - http://dailyhomerenotips.com/energy-conservation/
Free Home Energy Saving Tips __ "Find out about home energy, free energy saving tips, energy audits, and simple DIY home repairs that make your house more energy efficient and comfortable" Many click-to-read articles. - From utilitybillbusters.com - http://www.utilitybillbusters.com/articles/
Home Energy Checklist - Popular Mechanics __ A homewide audit with 44 moneysaving tips to help you cut energy costs. - From popularmechanics.com - http://www.popularmechanics.com/home_journal/home_improvement/1312851.html
Home Energy Conservation Act 1995 __ This page covers the text of this law in the United Kingdom. - From hmso.gov.uk - http://www.hmso.gov.uk/acts/acts1995/Ukpga_19950010_en_1.htm
Home energy conservation tips - save money! __ An essay containing several tips for saving energy and money. - From essortment.com - http://www.essortment.com/all/conservationene_ratu.htm
Home Energy Saving Tips - Consume Less Energy __ You will find some home energy saving tips that will help you consume less energy at home. - From squidoo.com - http://www.squidoo.com/energy-saving-tips-home
Home Energy Magazine: Features __ You will find online articles about home energy conservation. Full articles are in PDF format, Acrobat Reader needed. Sadly I find no free download for the Acrobat Reader on the website. - From homeenergy.org - http://www.homeenergy.org/
The Home Energy Saver __ Find the best ways to save energy in your home with this do-it-yourself energy audit tool. - From Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - http://hes.lbl.gov/
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