Mali History Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Culture of Mali - History and ethnic relations, Urbanism ... __ Good overall information about Mali including a section of history. - From -
History of Mali __ "Mali's early history is dominated by three famed West African empires-- Ghana, Mali or Malinké, and Songhai. These empires controlled trans-Saharan trade in gold, salt, and other precious commodities and were in touch with Mediterranean and Middle Eastern centers of civilization..." An encyclopedic article with links to additional resources. - From wikipedia -
History of Mali __ "Comprehensive online resources about the history of the country of Mali." - From -
Mali: History __ "The Mali region has been the seat of extensive empires and kingdoms, notably those of Ghana (4th–11th cent.), Mali, and Gao." A good overciew of Mali history and access to a lot of other information about the country. - From -
Mali History __ You will find a good general history of Mali along with other interesting information about the country. - From -
Mali History __ "Malians express great pride in their ancestry. Mali is the cultural heir to the succession of ancient African empires--Ghana, Malinké, and Songhai--that occupied the West African savannah." An essay providing a good outline of Mali history. - From Michigan State University -®ionID=5
Mali - History __ "The recorded history of the area now called Mali begins with the empire of Ghana, which is said to date from the 4th century AD. At its height in the 10th century, it occupied eastern Senegal, southwest Mali, and southern Mauritania and carried on a steady trade across the Sahara with Arab states." An overview of Mali history covering all the main points. - From -
Mali History __ A brief look at Mali's history. Click "more history" for added detail. - From -
Mali - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations __ General history, legal and political history along with history of Mali's educational system. - From Net Industries -
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