Worlds Fairs and Expositions Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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History of Calendars - Teachers Resources & Lesson Plans - World's Fairs/International Expos
1876 Centennial Exposition __ Here is a gallery of images from the 1876 Centennial Expo in Philadelphia along with links to additional resources. - illustrated - From Boston college -
The 1982 Knoxville World's Fair __ This is a good overview of the Knoxville Fair including history, planning, architecture, exhibits and much more. - illustrated - From Schulman Central/Bruce R. Schulman -
The British Empire Exhibition of 1924 __ "Coupled with disastrous decisions by the government, such as letting the crushing post-War unemployment sort itself out rather than intervene, Britain's ability to govern the Empire was diminished." With this as a background, enter the British empire Exhibition of 1924. - illustrated - From Michael Fuller -
The Crystal Palace/ The Great Exhibition of 1851 __ "In 1851 Great Britain was arguably the leader of the industrial revolution and feeling very secure in that ideal. The Great Exhibition of 1851 in London was conceived to symbolize this industrial, military and economic superiority of Great Britain." History and more. - illustrated - From -
Expo 2010 __ "Expo 2010, officially Expo 2010 Shanghai China ... is being held on both banks of the Huangpu River in the city of Shanghai, People's Republic of China, from May 1 to October 31, 2010." An encyclopedic article. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Expo 58 __ A great look at the Universal Exhibition Brussels. There is history, exhibit information and excellent galleries. The website is divided into several sections giving detailed information about various aspects of the exhibition. - illustrated - From Unknown -
EXPO 2000 Impressions of a visitor __ You will find more than 750 pictures, reports, and links, about the EXPO 2000 in Hanover, Germany. - illustrated - From Reinhard F. Luszcz -
Expositions of the July Monarchy __ "The exposition of 1834 marks a new level of development for these events. It is the first one for which a significant complex of buildings was erected. The four large, elaborate edifices were designed and supervised by M. Moreau." Learn about this and other expositions of the time including the aborted exposition of 1832. - From Arthur Chandler -
The First Industrial Exposition __ "If it is true that "of all events in recent history, only wars have had more dramatic influence than World expositions upon the expression of civilisation,"1 then the first industrial exposition, held in Paris in 1798, deserves a high place of honor in the annals of human culture. This exposition is the foreparent of the hundreds of national industrial expositions and the ninety-plus international expositions that have been staged all over the world, from 1851 down to the present. Born of a confluence of tradition and revolution, the exposition publique des produits de l'industrie française set in motion one of the great rituals of Progress — the belief in applied technology for the improvement of the quality of life — that distinguishes Western civilization." - From World's Fair, Inc./Arthur Chandler -
Golden Gate International Exposition, 1939 - 40 __ A good overview of the exposition including attractions, history and much more. - illustrated - From -
How many world's fairs have there been? __ You may be surprised to learn that the number varies depending on who you ask. You will find a good overview and the reasoning behind the differing counts. - From Yahoo -
I Love Expo 85 __ An overview of the International Exposition,Tsukuba,Japan. You will find history attractions, pavilion photos and more. You may choose between Japanese or English, though much of the site is still in Japanese, it is easy to find your way around. - illustrated - From Unknown -
New York 1964 World's Fair __ You can visit the pavilions using a clickable
map. "The problem was that the fair wasn't sanctioned by the Bureau of
International Expositions because world's fairs are limited to one year runs.
Besides the BIE had already given their blessing to Seattle's 1962 fair (only
one U.S. fair allowed per decade). Consequently most European countries and the
Communist bloc boycotted it. None-the-less countries mainly in Asia, South
America, the Mid-East and Africa were represented." - illustrated - From UCLA -
New York World's Fair 1939 - 40 __ You will find an overview of the fair
including attractions, souvenirs, photos and more. "To go to this fair was to
have your life changed forever." - illustrated - From Alan Anderson -
NGA - Photo Archives: Photographs of International Expositions __ A collection of photos from some of the earlier fairs including Paris 1889 and Glasgow 1901. - illustrated - From National Gallery of Art -
Photo Archives: Paris Exposition 1889 __ Aren't you glad the fair commissioners rejected a 300 meter tall guillotine in favor of Eiffel's Tower? - illustrated - From National Gallery of Art -
Shanghai Expo 2010 __ Take a video tour of the pavilions of Expo 2010. Turn on your speakers, good music too. - illustrated - From thechinaway -
World's Columbian Exposition __ "Origins of the World's Columbian Exposition can
be seen in the 1876 Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia
event marked the first large-scale effort of this kind in the United States. As
early as 1880, advocates argues that a special exposition should mark the 400th
anniversary of Columbus sailing to the New World. By 1888, the movement gained
enough momentum to begin being taken seriously by the public..." A good overview
of the exposition including attractions, history and much more. - illustrated -
From Schulman Central/Bruce R. Schulman -
Worlds Fair Collectors Society __ Learn about an organization dedicated to World Fair history and mementos. - illustrated - From World's Fair Collectors Society -
World's Fairs and International Expositions __ You will find resources about the world's fairs held from 1876 to 1916 focusing on how they shaped American culture by presenting idealized visions of the past and future and ignoring minority viewpoints. - illustrated - From -
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