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Floating Islands Uros Indians __ Photo essay about the Uros Indians. - illustrated - From amazingphotos4all.blogspot.com - http://amazingphotos4all.blogspot.com/2009/07/floating-islands-uros-indians.html
Lake Titicaca Peru - The Uros or "reed people" on Lake Titicaca. __ A traveler's experience with the Uro Indians. - illustrated - From globosapiens.net - http://www.globosapiens.net/travel-information/Lake+Titicaca-2024.html
Resources on the Uros __ A collection of links and resources about the Uros. - From mongabay.com - http://www.mongabay.com/indigenous_ethnicities/south_american/Uros.html
The Uros Floating Islands __ A general overview of the Uros. - From roughguides.com - http://www.roughguides.com/website/travel/Destination/content/default.aspx?titleid=128&xid=idh456315088_0230
Uros Indians __ Learn about a fascinating people. "They live on floating islands high in the Peruvian Andes on Lake Titicaca. They were forced onto the lake as the Incan Indians pushed further and further into their territory." - illustrated - From Indian-cultures.com - http://indian-cultures.com/Cultures/uros.html
Uros Indians __ Brief article and photo. - illustrated - From traditionscustoms.com - http://traditionscustoms.com/content/uros-indians
The Uros Indians - Lake Titicaca, Peru Travel Blog __ A brief look at the Uros Indians. - illustrated - From travelpod.com - http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/gab123/peru-2007/1175722140/tpod.html
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