Americana & American History
Lesson Plans Reviewed Resources for Students and teachers |
& Classroom Activities
& American History Lesson Plans - American
Civil War Lesson Plans - American
Presidents Lesson Plans - Ancient
China Lesson Plans - Ancient
Civilizations/General Resources Lesson Plans - Ancient
Egypt Lesson Plans - Ancient
Greece Lesson Plans - Ancient
Rome Lesson Plans - Anthropology
Lesson Plans - Archaeology
Lesson Plans - Australia
& Australian History Lesson Plans - Australian
Aboriginal People Lesson Plans - Canada
& Canadian History Lesson Plans - Medieval
Civilization Lesson Plans - Multiculturalism
& Tolerance Lesson Plans - Native
Americans/First Nations Lesson Plans - World
Religions Lesson Plans
Please note that with regard to lesson plans dealing with anthropology, archaeology, indigenous people, ancient civilizations, history, etc, there may be some cross-over and blurring of lines between the topics. For example, a lesson plan dealing with archaeology is automatically dealing with an anthropological subject. A lesson plan dealing with indigenous people is also automatically dealing with anthropology and any of them may, or may not, be dealing with history or ancient civilizations. While every attempt will be made to keep the topic lines as 'clean' as possible, be aware this may not always be possible. Appropriate grade or age levels are included with the lesson plans. The number of lesson plans available online for this topic are too numerous for a single list. The following provides some idea of what is available and will hopefully be a good starting point.
Abraham Lincoln Theme - Lesson Plans, Thematic Units, Printables, Worksheets, and More...__ You will find everything listed in the title plus a little more. - from -
American Flag Lesson Plan __ "Teach your students about the American Flag, including its history, what the symbols represent, and the proper way to display it. Discuss how the American Flag has played a part in recent events. Then choose one or more of the American Flag activities for wearing, sharing, or displaying." - From PBS -
American Revolution Lesson Plans __ A collection of lesson plans dealing with various aspects of the American Revolutionary War. - From -
Black History Theme - Lesson Plans, Thematic Units, Printables, Worksheets, and More...__ The title pretty much says it all. You will find several lesson plans and activities. - From -
Colonial America Theme - Lesson Plans, Thematic Units, Printables, Worksheets, and More...__ The title pretty much says it all. You will find several lesson plans and activities. - From -
Constitution Lesson Plans for 8th Grade American History __ Small collection of lesson plans. goals and procedure. - From -
Digital Blackboard __ "This feature provides successful Web-based assignments—some we have developed ourselves, others developed by the Library of Congress and the National Archives—as practical models for integrating new media into the classroom. Browse through the full list below or go to our full search feature that allows you to quickly locate assignments by topic, time period, or keyword. Read our guidelines for information on submitting your own lesson plan." - From -
George Washington Theme - Lesson Plans, Thematic Units, Printables, Worksheets...___ There is everything mentioned in the title and a little extra. - From -
Ghost Riders and Rest Stops __ An elementary unit on the Pony Express and overland stagecoach. "Students will understand the contributions of Native American Indians, explorers, and Utah’s pioneers." - From -
Having Fun: Leisure and Entertainment at the Turn of the Twentieth Century __ A lesson plan. "How did Americans "have fun" a century ago? Where did they vacation and how did they get there? In a time of profound social and cultural change, the increasingly mechanized urban environment left many feeling anxious." The lesson plan is fun too. goals, procedure and materials. - illustrated - From -
Indian Removal Act__ "Students act as journalists reporting on the Indian Removal Act. They visit designated web sites and write factual articles about the developments." Goals, procedure and materials needed. - From Digital History -
Lesson Plans History American Government High School ... __ "US History Site is a website dedicated to teacher resources of american history lesson plans primary source documents, timelines, quotes and information." - From -
Mapping Your State's Role In the Vietnam War __ A lesson combining the Vietnam War and Memorial Day which can be adapted to any state. Goals, materials and procedure. - From - - American History Lesson Plans, K-12 Classroom __ "This section of our site lists many hundreds of FREE lesson plans, activities, interactives, and games about American History. " - From -
A Nation Divided Unit & Support Materials __ "Although the Civil War is viewed today through the lens of the Union’s ultimate victory, for much of the war that victory was far from certain. By examining the lives of the common soldier, as well as civilians on the home front, this workshop examines the uncertainty and horrible destruction in the war between the states." Lesson plan and resources. - From -
National Endowment for the Humanities American History Lesson Plans __ A few dozen American history lesson plans. Goals and procedures. - From -
Native American Lesson Plan, Teaching Elementary Culture, Art, Worksheet, US History __ "This lesson can be modified to focus on any culture being studied." 3rd thru 5th grades. Goals and procedures. - From -
Popular American History Lesson Plans __ You will find dozens of free lesson plans with a subscription option if you want more. Goals, materials and procedure. - From -
Presidents' Day Theme - Lesson Plans, Thematic Units, Printables, Worksheets, and More...__ You will find everything in the title plus more. - from -
Teaching American History Project __ "A high-quality collection of over 300 American history lessons for grades 5-12 is now available on this site for free thanks to a devoted and enthusiastic group of Connecticut history teachers..." Lesson plans, goals and procedure. - From -
Teaching with Historic Places--Lesson Plans __ "Teaching with Historic Places offers a series of more than 140 classroom-ready lesson plans that use historic sites as a means for exploring American history. Educators and their students can work through these online lesson plans directly on the computer or print them out and photocopy them for distribution." Goals, materials, procedures. - From -
The Thirteen Colonies __ Two lesson plans exploring economics in the New World. Students learn the economic reasons colonists settled in America, and understand what job opportunities were available in the colonies. Goals, procedure and materials needed. - From -
Underground Railroad Lesson Plans __ You will find lesson plans dealing with the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, Freedom Quilt and more. - From -
United States History Lesson Plans __ A large collection of lesson plans covering a broad spectrum of American history. - From -
United States History Lesson Plans __ A directory of a couple dozen American history lesson plans. - From -
Who Really Discovered America? __ Classroom activity with goals, resources, procedure and materials needed. - From -
Women's suffrage and Women's History Lesson Plans __ Lesson plans about women's rights and women's voting rights. - From -
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