Lebanon People History Culture

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Ruins of Baalbek - Photo by upyernoz - CC-BY


Population 2007 ......................................................3,677,780
GDP per capita 2006 (Purchasing Power Parity, US$)........... 5,500
GDP 2006 (Purchasing Power Parity, US$ billions)................ 18.8
Average annual growth 1991-97
Population (%) ....... 1.9
Labor force (%) ....... 2.9

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Lebanon History

Resources and links about Lebanon

Beirut - Photo by austinevan - CC-BY

Total Area..................................................................4,015 sq. mi.
Urban population (% of total population) ............................... 88
Life expectancy at birth (years)..................................................... 70
Infant mortality (per 1,000 live births)........................................28
Child malnutrition (% of children under 5) ...............................3
Access to safe water (% of population) ..................................... 94
Illiteracy (% of population age 15+) ............................................16


Background Note: Lebanon  __ You will find a collection of resources including geography, maps and links to related articles. - From about.com - http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35833.htm

CIA - The World Factbook -- Lebanon __ A detailed look at Lebanon including history, culture, political structure, economy and many other topics. - From US Central Intelligence Agency - http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/le.html

Colleges and Universities - Lebanon __ List (1) of schools with direct contact links. - From Christina DeMello - http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/cdemello/lb.html

Country Profile: Lebanon __ A general overview including history, political structure, culture, leaders, media, and more. "One of the most complex and divided countries in the region, for the past three decades Lebanon has been on the fringes, and at times at the heart, of the Middle East conflict surrounding the creation of Israel." - illustrated - From BBC - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/country_profiles/791071.stm

The Daily Star __ Online English language newspaper. - illustrated - From The Daily Star - http://www.dailystar.com.lb/


Economy of Lebanon __ "The 1975-90 civil war seriously damaged Lebanon's economic infrastructure, cut national output by half, and all but ended Lebanon's position as a Middle Eastern entrepot and banking hub." An encyclopedic article about the economy of Lebanon, with links to other resources. - From wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Lebanon 

Embassy of Lebanon in Washington, D.C. __ Here is a good place to begin your study. You will find cultural and tourism information, history, politics and foreign relations plus a whole lot more. You will also find a "kids only" section. - illustrated - From Embassy of Lebanon - http://www.lebanonembassyus.org/
Ethnologue report for Lebanon __ Web page dedicated to the languages spoken in Lebanon - From SIL International - http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=Lebanon


How it all began - A concise history of Lebanon __ A great site detailing the history of Lebanon by Kamal Salibi who is considered by many to be the foremost living historian of Lebanon. - From almashriq - http://almashriq.hiof.no/lebanon/900/902/Kamal-Salibi/

Lebanon __ An excellent tool for anthropology and historical research. "Handbook Series sponsored by the U.S. Department of the Army between 1986 and 1998. Each study offers a comprehensive description and analysis of the country or region's historical setting, geography, society, economy, political system, and foreign policy." - From Library of Congress - http://countrystudies.us/lebanon/ 
Lebanon __ A guide to law, constitution/s, legal history, international agreements and more. - From Law Library of Congress - http://www.loc.gov/law/guide/lebanon.html

Lebanon __ "Once considered the Paris of the East, Lebanon fell off the tourist map when it disintegrated into civil war in 1975. The word is slowly getting out that travel to Lebanon is now not only possible but surprisingly free of hassles. Lebanon packs a lot into its modest borders: ancient cities, Roman ruins, luxurious ski resorts, bucolic charm and Islamic architecture are just the start." History, culture, statistics and more. - illustrated - From Lonely Planet - http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/middle_east/lebanon/

Lebanon __ A good overview of Lebanon including history culture and statistics. - illustrated - From Infoplease - http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107710.html

Lebanon Country Information __ You will find detailed information and a lot of it. There are learning games and information for teachers too. You will find history, people, population, government and more. - illustrated - From countryreports.org - http://www.countryreports.org/country.aspx?countryid=139&countryName=Lebanon 
Lebanon Exports  __ You will find charted exports information by industry, product and value in U.S. Dollars. Click on the little "+" icons for even more detailed information about each topic. - From intracen.org - http://www.intracen.org/appli1/TradeCom/TP_EP_CI.aspx?RP=004&YR=2005


Lebanon: Geography, Maps and Information __ You will find a collection of resources including geography, maps and links to related articles. - From about.com - http://geography.about.com/library/maps/bllebanon.htm

lebanon map and map of lebanon information page __ An atlas style page chock-full of various maps, statistics, and general information. - illustrated - From worldatlas.com - http://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/asia/lb.htm

Lebanon Photos __ You will find galleries of click-to-enlarge photos of Lebanon. Pictures of Lebanon. - illustrated - From trekearth.com - http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Middle_East/Lebanon/

Lebanon Photos, Flag, Map and Travel Information __ You will find several galleries of pictures of Lebanon as well as an 'atlas' style summary with maps of Lebanon and more. - illustrated - From pbase.com - http://www.pbase.com/world/lebanon  

Lebanon Video Clips __ You will find video clips related to the country. 'Caution' only a portion of the video clips have been reviewed by archaeolink.com. There may be material in others some would find objectionable. - From searchforvideo.com - http://www.searchforvideo.com/countries/lebanon/


Maps Of Lebanon __ You will find a wide variety of map resources. Select from MapQuest, Merriam-Webster, Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection and others. - From embassyworld.com - http://www.embassyworld.com/maps/Maps_Of_Lebanon.html

pictures of Lebanon at picturesofplaces.com - lebanon pictures __ You will find a collection of click-to-view galleries of photographs of Lebanon as well as other information about the country. - illustrated - From picturesofplaces.com - http://www.picturesofplaces.com/Asia/lebanon.html 

Welcome to the Presidential Palace __ Learn about the Lebanese president, offices and duties. You will find a biography, speeches and an album. - illustrated - From Government of Lebanon - http://www.presidency.gov.lb/


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