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The number of sites available online for this topic is enormous. Hopefully this will be a good place to begin your research. Please Note: - After reading here about After School programs, you may still want to learn about ways to fill those hours. May I suggest Kids' Crafts and Kids' Games to find activities which can productively occupy time. |
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Activity Ideas | | A U.S. Goverment Web Portal __ "This page will give you many ideas of academic activities to incorporate into your afterschool program. Whether your children need help with schoolwork, or they are simply interested in learning something new and exciting, this page will help you find activities, lesson plans, curricula and other resources to meet their academic needs." - From -
After school activities can change a child's life __ "In recent years, the number of after-school programs has increased in the United States. Twenty-first Century Community Learning Center funding and the No Child Left Behind Act have provided funding and encouraged growth in these kinds of programs." Learn about the benefits of such a program. - From -
After School Activities and other activities __ "Find information on after school activities ranging from after school programs, sports teams, after school jobs, or at-home entertainment." - illustrated - From -
After School Activities & Self Esteem __ "The right after-school activity can get your child more involved and excited than ever before. It can give them a sense of belonging and confidence. So how do you and your child pick the right one? It really comes down to a couple of simple questions." Learn more. - From -
After school programs, children, parenting tips, Family Guide __ "Family Guide. Parenting teens, how to talk to your child, substance use prevention, positive parenting" - From US Department of Health and Human Services - __ Search for a variety of after school activities by state,
and browse additional links provided. This site connects after school providers
with federal resources. - From U.S. Department of Health and Human Services'
Administration for Children and Families -
Best Bets for After School __ "It's a common quandary: Is it time for my child
to start an extracurricular activity? What's the best one? How do I find a good
program? Read on for the answers you need to get started." You will find basic
advice and resources. - From -
Best and worst after-school activities for children with ADHD __ The title pretty much said it all but there is a lot of information which could be used by anybody. - illustrated - From -
Choosing After-School Activities __ "How can you help guide your children to the most enriching after-school activities? It helps first of all to think about the options." Advice on how to choose activities. - From -
It's 3PM. Do you know where your children are after school? __ You will find an abundance of reasons why after school programs are valuable. Articles, resources and more. - From -
Promising Practices in Afterschool __ You will find a ton of information and extensive resources for after school activities, crafts, hobbies and more. " - From - __ "Interested in YMCA's abundance of programs, clubs and after
school program activities for people of all ages? There are more than 2400 YMCAs
in the United States. Start your search here for more information on activities
and programs that your local YMCA offers as well as information on starting
after school programs. Site also includes information on after school art
programs, humanities, sports, international and teen leadership programs and
discusses the benefits of after school programs." - illustrated - From YMCA -
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