Keeping Tropical Fish |
General information for the tropical fish aquarist or special research projects.
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Age of Aquariums - Tropical Fish __ Learn whether you are a tropical fish 'haver' or a tropical fish 'keeper.' There is a difference. This site contains a wealth of information about keeping tropical fish and fresh water aquariums. - illustrated - From -
The Aquatic Critter - Freshwater Fish __ You will find many click-to-read
articles about freshwater aquariums and fish. - From -
Badmans Tropical Fish... a complete freshwater site __ Here is a tropical
fresh-water site covering all aspects of the hobby with special sections for the
novice and more advanced hobbyist. - illustrated - From
Beginning Fishkeeping __ A page of questions and answers. "Though this document
is designed for a first freshwater aquarium (saltwater people: make sure to read
the SALTWATER BEGINNER FAQ), there is much information applicable to both
freshwater and saltwater aquaria." - From Thomas Narten -
"Blue Sheets"
__ "Tropical fish are perhaps the easiest of all pets to maintain.
There are, however, certain problems that may occur, causing new hobbyists, as
well as unsuccessful existing hobbyists, to become frustrated and upset with
this fascinating hobby." Here is a basic guide to tropical fish selection and
care. - from -
Bruce Hallman yeast injection article __ Learn about a method of adding carbon
dioxide to your tank to promote lush plant growth. - From -
Desktop Aquariums __ "Desktop Aquariums are meant to be "fun" tanks. They are
relatively inexpensive, attractive to the eye and fit almost anywhere. They are
not very sophisticated aquariums, however, and their limitations must be
observed in order to achieve success." Learn how to establish and enjoy one of
these small tanks. - From -
Freshwater Tropical Fish Keeping. Learn to set up your aquarium. Fishkeeping for
beginners to advanced hobbyists... __ "The best information on setting up a
freshwater tropical fish tank. Great fish keeping info for beginners and
advanced hobbyists. Learn how to get started, right through to which fish are
best suited for your aquarium. Check out the links list, pictures, electronic
fishy postcards, and more!" - illustrated - From -
The Home Page of Tom and Pat Bridges __ This site built by tropical fish hobbyists contains pictures and much information of interest to tropical fish hobbyists. - illustrated - From Tom and Pat Bridges -
Keeping Tropical Fish and Goldfish in Aquariums, Fish Bowls, and ... __ You will
find a wealth of information about everything from starting a tank to diseases,
fish species, maintainence, decorating, moving tanks and much more. -
illustrated - From -
Tropical Fish Forever __ "Tropical Fish Forever, get help and advice for your
tropical fish and look at our pictures, also look at the fish index" -
illustrated - From -
Tropical Fish Tank __ "Aquarist Richard Preston, from Hi-Tek Aquarium, shows
Rebecca that with the right equipment and a bit of dedication anyone can set up
a tropical fish tank and relax in the company of little water treasures." Lots
of basic information about setting up a tank. - From -
The Tropical Tank Homepage - Tropical Fish and Aquariums
__ "Info on tropical
fish and tropical aquariums, large fish species index with photos, library of
aquarium articles, tank setups, aquarium product info, help for beginners,
discussion forum, aquatic links and much more" - illustrated - From -
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