American Disasters - Great West Virginia Disasters Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
Great American Disasters State by State
Alabama - Alaska - Arizona - Arkansas - California - Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware - Florida - Georgia - Hawaii - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - Kansas - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - Michigan - Minnesota - Mississippi - Missouri - Montana - Nebraska - Nevada - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico - New York - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio - Oklahoma - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - South Carolina - South Dakota - Tennessee - Texas - Utah - Vermont - Virginia - Washington - West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming
These pages do not begin to cover all the disasters that have
taken place in every state. There is also controversy over
what constitutes and defines a "great" disaster from any other kind.
All disasters are "great" to those directly involved in them. So these pages are a mix of "great" and "not so great" disasters. The major disasters are all covered in the larger sites I have linked to as resources and the rest are related items of interest. For example, you might not find a particular major disaster on this list, but it may be included in a site such as, which is one of the resources found here. This is an excellent place to begin your research. The links found here lead to an ever widening amount of information. Good luck in your efforts. |
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About the Hawk's Nest Incident __ "The Hawk's Nest Incident is the story of one of this country's worst industrial disasters. The disaster took place in Gauley Bridge, West Virginia. The incident revolves around the contraction of silicosis while constructing a new hydroelectric power plant." A synopsis. - From Ashley Lucas and Ariadne Paxton -
Aracoma Alma Mine accident __ "The Aracoma Alma Mine accident occurred when a conveyor belt in the Aracoma Alma Mine No. 1 at Melville in Logan County, West Virginia caught fire." An encyclopedic article. - From wikipedia -
Buffalo Creek Flood __ "The resulting flood unleashed approximately 132 million gallons (500,000,000 L) of black waste water upon the residents of 16 coal mining communities in Buffalo Creek Hollow. Out of a population of 5,000 people, 125 people were killed, 1,121 were injured, and over 4,000 were left homeless." An encyclopedic article. - From wikipedia -
DC-9 Crashes Killing Marshall Football Team __ "...a Southern Airways DC-9 crashed into a mountain near Huntington, West Virginia killing all 75 passengers and crew. The plane was on final approach and only two miles west of Tri-State Airport." An overview. - From -
Effects of Hurricane Isabel in West Virginia __ "The effects of Hurricane Isabel in West Virginia left 75% of the state's population without power." an encyclopedic article. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
FEMA: West Virginia State Disaster History __ West Virginia Disaster History. Major Disaster Declarations. Click on the 'disaster #' on the right side of the list to access detailed information including images and more. - illustrated - From FEMA -
Historic Disasters: West Virginia Disasters __ You will find a list of West Virginia disasters. Each list entry is a live link to additional information. - From -
Monongah Mining Disaster __ "The worst mining disaster in American History occurred in the community of Monongah, West Virginia on December 6, 1907. Around 10 o'clock in the morning after a full force of 380 men and boys had begun their shift, mines number 6 and 8 of the Consolidated Coal Company shook from the impact of an underground explosion." A good overview. - illustrated - From -
Monongah Mining disaster __ "In all, the lives of 362 boys and men were lost
in the underground explosion, leaving 250 widows and over 1000 children
without support." An encyclopedic article. - From
NPR : West Virginia Mining Disasters __ "Gov. Joe Manchin has called for a
temporary halt to coal mining in West Virginia after the deaths of 16 men in
four accidents since Jan. 2. Manchin wants mining to cease until safety
checks can be conducted. The deadliest incident was at the Sago mine, where
12 men died." A lot of information in several click-to-read articles. -
illustrated - From -
Sago Mine Disaster
__ "The blast and ensuing aftermath trapped thirteen
miners for nearly two days, only one of whom survived. It was the worst
mining disaster in the U.S. since a 2001 disaster in Alabama ..." An
encyclopedic article. - From wikipedia -
Southern Airways Flight 932 __ "...the aircraft crashed into a hill just
short of the Tri-State Airport, killing all seventy-five people on board.[1]
The plane was carrying the thirty-seven members of the Marshall University
Thundering Herd football squad, eight members of the coaching staff, 25
boosters, four flight crew members, and one employee of the charter
company." An encyclopedic article. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Super Outbreak __ "The Super Outbreak is the largest tornado outbreak on
record. From April 3 to April 4, 1974, there were 148 tornadoes confirmed in
13 US states and one Canadian province: Ontario, Illinois, Indiana,
Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, North
Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and New York." An encyclopedic article. -
illustrated - From wikipedia -
West Virginia Coal Mining Disasters __ Long list of mining disasters with each listing being a live link to additional material. - From -
West Virginia Disasters Floods, Fires, Tornadoes, Mine Explosions ... __
West Virginia Disasters. Events that touched our ancestor's lives: West
Virginia floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, storms, mining accidents,
explosions. Many click to read articles and resources. - illustrated - From -
West Virginia Earthquake Information __ An overview and history of
earthquakes in West Virginia - From -
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