Light, Lasers, Holograms Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Animations __ Here are animations from a college course on waves, field, and optics. They're going to be slow to load unless you have a fast modem. - illustrated - From University of Saskatchewan -
Ask A Scientist-Physics-How Do Holograms Work? __ Learn how a hologram works. - From Argonne National Laboratory -
Best of Optics and Lasers __ "Photonics is one of the world's fastest growing industries, driven by the exponential growth in the volume of data travelling across the Internet. Advances in fundamental physics are leading to smaller and more powerful optical devices, and their role in fields such as medicine, biology and metrology is flourishing." You can keep up with the latest here where you will find dozens of articles. - From -
Bob Miller's Light Walk __ "Artist Bob Miller's "Light Walk" at the Exploratorium is always an eye-opening expereience for students and teachers alike. His unique discoveries will change the way you look at light, shadow, and images. - illustrated - From Exploratorium -
Color Matters: Science __ Learn about the science of color. You will find facts about the physics of light, how we see color, and more. - illustrated - From -
The CSE Light Tour __ Learn about "Wavelengths of light, types of light, how astronomers use different wavelengths, and what they see!" You will find a lesson plan. - illustrated - From
Dracula's Laboratory __ You will find experiments for students to try at home which demonstrate the properties of light. - illustrated - From Miami Museum of Science -
Encyclozine: Light, Color, and Electromagnetic Radiation __ "We learn almost all of what we know about the world around us from the interaction of the objects in the world with electromagnetic radiation. Often, the word 'light' is used a little more broadly, to include electromagnetic radiation that is just outside the range we can see, in the ultraviolet and infrared." You will find a good look at the subject. - illustrated - From -
Fiber Optic History __ "Alexander Graham Bell patented an optical telephone system, which he called the Photophone, in 1880, but his earlier invention, the telephone, proved far more practical. He dreamed of sending signals through the air, but the atmosphere didn't transmit light as reliably as wires carried electricity. In the decades that followed, light was used for a few special applications, such as signalling between ships, but otherwise optical communications, like the experimental Photophone Bell donated to the Smithsonian Institution, languished on the shelf." You will find the full story. - From Jeff Hecht -
The Fundamentals of Optics __ You can learn about the nature of light, reflection and refraction, rainbows, and more. - illustrated - From -
Hand-Drawn Holograms
__ Learn to draw your own holograms at this webpage and
find out how the technique was discovered. - illustrated - From William J. Beaty
The History of Holography __ This detailed article contains information about
the history of holography including applications and photographs of the people
behind its development. - illustrated - from -
How Far Does Light Go? Debate __ Interactive site to determine how far light travels. - illustrated - From UC Berkeley -'s - How Lasers Work __ Probably everything you want to know about how lasers work. - illustrated - From -
The Invention of the Laser at Bell Labs: 1958-1998 __ "The invention of the laser, which stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, can be dated to 1958." - From -
Laser History __ Description of history of lasers (1917-1996). The history
goes back to year 1802 explaining the phenomena used to develop today's lasers.
- From -
Lens Basics __ Overview of the basics of the physics of lenses. - illustrated
- From Donald E. Simanek -
Light __ Encyclopedia article with information about light. Learn about light's nature, speed, and more. - From -
Making Waves
__ An Online Guide to Sound And Electromagnetic Radiation - From
Tony Mangiacapre -
Optics For Kids __ You will find basic optical information. Read light basics,
discover ways to control light, and learn about laser and white light. -
illustrated - From -
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