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Ticuna __ You will find an overview of the Ticuna Indians in a series of click-to-read articles. - From everyculture.com - http://www.everyculture.com/South-America/Ticuna.html
Ticuna Indians __ A brief overview, photos and a map. - From indian-cultures.com - http://indian-cultures.com/Cultures/ticuna.html
Ticuna Indians __ Good overview including history and culture. - illustrated - From amazon-indians.org - http://www.amazon-indians.org/page23.html
Ticuna Indians __ A good article about the Ticuna. - From the Catholic Encyclopedia - http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14721e.htm
Ticuna A language of Brazil __ Information about the Ticuna Language and a few stats. - From ethnologue.com - http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=tca
Ticuna Language and the Ticuna Indian Tribe __ "Ticuna language information and the culture, history and genealogy of the Ticuna Indians." - From native-languages.org - http://www.native-languages.org/ticuna.htm
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