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Amazon people - yagua dancers __ Brief explanatory paragraph and a couple of photos. - illustrated - From junglephotos.com - http://www.junglephotos.com/people/traditions/yagdancrs.html
Resources on the Yagua __ Collection of resources and links. - From mongabay.com - http://www.mongabay.com/indigenous_ethnicities/south_american/Yagua.html
Yagua __ General overview in form of click-to-read articles. - From everyculture.com - http://www.everyculture.com/South-America/Yagua.html
Yagua and their Blowguns __ Is this the way it really happens? ""A native hunter slowly makes his way through the rainforest. Above, a colony of monkeys busy themselves in the high canopy. The hunter pauses, takes a dart from a quiver, and dips the tip into a curare-loaded resin. He carefully inserts the dart into his blowgun. A large male monkey moves from behind a shielding branch. The hunter takes aim, corrects for variation in his piece, blows, and the monkey tumbles to the ground, hardly noticed by the rest of the colony." Find out for yourself. - From John Waymire - http://www.biobio.com/dock/Yagua.html
Yagua encyclopedia topics | Reference.com __ Encyclopedic article about the Yagua plus references to other resources. - From reference.com - http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Yagua
Yagua Indians __ A one paragraph overview and several click-to-enlarge photos. - illustrated - From indian-cultures.com - http://indian-cultures.com/Cultures/yagua.html
Yagua Indians __ Collection of click-to-enlarge gallery of photos relating to a visit to the Yagua. - From christopherryan.com - http://www.christopherryan.com/gallery/travel/peru/h_yagua_indians/index.htm
Yaguas __ Multi page photo essay of Yagua and their way of life. - illustrated - From http://www.amazon-indians.org/page17.html
Yahua (Yagua) Indians of Peru __ Brief article with photos. - illustrated - From biopark.org - http://www.biopark.org/peru/yahua.html
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