Ankara, Turkey Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Antalya Airport International Terminal __ Airport information and flight times. Main airport of Ankara. - illustrated - From -
Ankara __ "Ankara is the capital of Turkey and the country's second largest city after İstanbul. The city has a population (as of 2005) of 4,319,167 (Province 5,153,000), and a mean elevation of 850 m (2800 ft)." An encyclopedic article. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Ankara __ A brief, but good, overview of the city as well as a history
timeline and text links to additional resources. - illustrated - From
Ankara - All About Turkey __ "The city of Ankara lies in the center of Anatolia
on the eastern edge of the great, high Anatolian Plateau, at an altitude of 850
meters. It is the center of the province of the same name, which is a
predominantly fertile wheat steppe-land with forested areas in its northeast
region." History, attractions and imbedded text links to related materials. -
illustrated - From -
Ankara History __ A very brief history of Ankara. - From -
Ankara Medical Resources __ "The American Embassy ... assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or reputation of the persons or medical facilities whose names appear on the following list." A list of physicians and medical institutions which may come in handy whether you are an American, or not. - From US Embassy -
Ankara Photos and Pictures __ You may view Ankara photos and read reviews from real travelers. There are almost 50 click-to-enlarge Ankara photos as of this review. - illustrated - From -
Ankara Support Element __ "The 16th AF War Support System was established to
help make the quick transition from peace time to a war-fighting posture. A 16th
AF War Support Center and Mission Support Center at Aviano AB and Ankara Air
Station, Turkey, were established in 1988 to help coordinate and plan the
command's wartime missions with NATO officials." An overview of the facility and
its mission. - illustrated - From -
Ankara Tourism - Ankara Vacation Reviews - Ankara Vacations ... __ "...your
source for the web's best reviews and travel articles about tourism and vacation
packages in Ankara, Turkey." they really are quite good with maps, travel
reviews by thos who have been there, photos and more. - illustrated - From -
Ankara Turkey
__ "Long ago, in the 3rd century BC, the Galatians were the first
to make "Ancyra" of those times, their capital. Much later on, in 1923, M. Kemal
Ataturk chose the same district to be the capital of newly founded Turkey, and
"Ankara" thereafter remained the strategic heart of the country." A brief
history. - From -
Ankara - Turkey's Capital City. Things to do and places to go __ "Ankara is about as European as Turkey gets. There are touches of the mystical east if you know where to look but the vast majority of the city is 20th century through and through." You will find an excellent overview of the city and its attractions. - illustrated - From -
Ankara University __ " Get to know Ankara University through facts and figures. ...view a presentation which provides a brief history and then the current information about the university." - illustrated - From -
Bilkent University __ "Bilkent University is one of the nation's leading
research universities. It enrolls 12000 students in faculties and schools on
campus in Ankara, Turkey." - illustrated - From -
Map of Ankara __ Large, easy to read, non-interactive map of Ankara, Turkey identifying major streets and sites. - illustrated - From -
Roman Ankara __ A history of
Roman Ankara in pictures and text. - illustrated -
From Roberto Piperno -
Turkish Daily News __ Daily English language newspaper - illustrated - From
Turkish Daily News -
UrbanRail.Net > Asia > Turkey > ANKARA Metro __ Map of Ankara Metro
transportation lines. - illustrated - From -
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