Copenhagen Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Some Other Great Cities of the World
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About Copenhagen - Official tourist-site about
Copenhagen __ "Tourist guide to Copenhagen with practical information, facts and
information about The Little Mermaid and the history of Copenhagen." -
illustrated - From -
City of Copenhagen __ "Copenhagen is Denmark's capital and local authority for
over 500,000 inhabitants. The City is also home of the national parliament,
government and monarchy, all situated in the heart of the city." You will find
government information, services, statistical information, history and more. -
illustrated - From -
Copenhagen __ "Copenhagen is the seat of the national parliament, the government, and the monarchy. Copenhagen is one of the largest cities of the Nordic countries." - illustrated - Encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - From Wikipedia -
Copenhagen Capacity - Business location in Copenhagen __ "...Provides free services and information to investors in e.g. biotech and IT, who are considering Greater Copenhagen as a business location for future activities." - illustrated - From -
Copenhagen City Guide __ A fairly extensive look at the City of Copenhagen including such things as history, attractions, cost of living, business, maps and more. - illustrated - From -
Copenhagen City Profile - City Profile of Copenhagen, Denmark __ Wide
ranging overview of Copenhagen, culture, history and more along with links to
additional material. - From -
Copenhagen, Denmark (Photo Archive) __ You will find over 300 photos of
Copenhagen. - illustrated - From -
Copenhagen History and Facts __ Here is a timeline of Copenhagen history with text embedded links to additional material. - illustrated - From World Travel Guide - Nexus Business Media -
Copenhagen for Kids __ "You only have to be a few minutes in Copenhagen and you'll notice them; Gaily coloured gaggles of giggling kids being chaperoned by their kindergarten teachers, babies in enormous prams being threaded through the pedestrian street Strøget, kids' heads peeping out of the luggage compartments of specially designed delivery bikes, being peddled through the rush hour by a red faced mum or dad, kids on roller skates, keeping up with the bikes in the bikelanes; kids, everywhere, no problem. In Copenhagen, kids are just part of the scenery." Here is a guide outlining the best of the city for kids. - illustrated - From -
Copenhagen - København - Köpenhamn - Kopenhagen - Copenhague __ Well, that pretty much covers the spelling bit. "Copenhagen is one of Europe's oldest and most wonderful capitals with a royal touch. The Danish monarchy is the oldest in the world and Queen Margrethe II resides right in the centre of the city. Copenhagen has a friendly but continental and international atmosphere that makes it easy to feel at home even for a first-time visitor." A great guide to the city. - illustrated - -
Copenhagen Photos __ Galleries of
click-to-enlarge photos of Copenhagen. - illustrated - From -
Copenhagen Pictures
__ An extensive set of well annotated galleries. -
illustrated - From -
Copenhagen pictures, Copenhagen images __ "Here you will find a treasure of
information with regard to the pictures of Copenhagen as well as a wealth of
information on the subject of Copenhagen images and photos." - From
The Copenhagen Post __ Online newspaper. - illustrated - From Copenhagen Post -
Copenhagen this
Week __ "The internet edition of the printed catalogue Copenhagen This Week."
Lots of good stuff going on that you might want to know about if your are
planning a visit or are even a resident. - illustrated - From -
Copenhagen Travel
__ "Copenhagen has been Denmark's capital for 600 years. It's
an appealing and largely low-rise city comprised of block after block of period
six-storey buildings. Church steeples punctuate the skyline, with only a couple
of modern hotels marring the view." This and more. - From -
The History
of The Allotment Gardens in Copenhagen __ "At the end of the last century
Copenhagen definitively broke its old boundaries, and very many large, dense
5-story buildings were constructed. The flats were often very small, some with
only the view of a back yard...This was the background of the first allotment
gardens. Much land within the city was not yet built on, many of the citizens
came from the country and were thereby used to self-sufficiency. They had the
knowledge of cultivating soil. They rented some land and grew vegetables and by
and by built a small house with the materials available." You will find a
history of this interesting aspect of the city history. - From -
The History of Copenhagen
__ "Despite having evolved into a major capital,
Copenhagen is still a small city. The medieval town and the new bridge
districts, located on the site of Copenhagen's ramparts until the mid- 1800s,
make up a harmonious whole. And not only is the water essential to the city's
prosperity, it also frames the city." You will find a nicely laid out outline of
the city's history with timelines, text, and images. - illustrated - from
Metro and S-Tog __ Learn how to get around Copenhagen transit systems. - illustrated - From -
pictures of Copenhagen at - copenhagen ... __ Copenhagen pictures including Tivoli Gardens, Nyhavn, City Square, Central Station, harbour area, canals, buildings, and more! - From -
population of Copenhagen 2010 __ Copenhagen population figure - From -
Port of Copenhagen __ General information about the port of Copenhagen, history,
sailing times, leaseholders, plans for the future, etc. - illustrated - from -
Statistical Office, Copenhagen __ Facts and figures about the city. - From -
Travellers - Copenhagen Airports
__ General information and flight times for Copenhagen's airports. - From
Virtual Copenhagen __ Use the arrows on the map provided and you can take a
virtual walking tour of the city. - illustrated - From -
What is Copenhagen city profile? __ A brief look at the city of Copenhagen. - illustrated - From -
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