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population of Thimphu __ Thimpu population figure - From -
Thimphu __ "Thimphu has a population of approximately 50 000 people, made up primarily of civils servant and tradesmen. It was established permanent capital in 1952-1953 but was at the time only a dzong surrounded by some shaks. Contrary to much of modern cities, Thimphu preserves a pronounced local architectural character, and this thanks to the directives of the government." An online gallery. - illustrated - From -
Thimphu __ An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. "Thimphu is the capital of Bhutan, and also the name of the surrounding valley and dzongkhag, the Thimphu District. With a population of 50,000 (2003), it is the largest population centre in the country." - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Thimphu __ "Thimphu, the capital, lies in a beautiful, wooded valley, sprawling up a hillside on the bank of the Thimphu Chhu (river). It is the only world capital without traffic lights. One set was installed several years ago, but residents complained that it was impersonal and it was removed within days." - From -
Thimphu Tourism - Thimphu Vacation Reviews - Thimphu Vacations __ You will find reviews by people who have traveled to Thimphu plus many other resources. - From -
Welcome to Kuensel __ Online newspaper. - From -
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