N'Djamena, Chad, City Profile Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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N'Djamena __
"N'Djamena was founded as Fort-Lamy by the French commander Émile Gentil on May 29, 1900, and
named after Amédée-François Lamy, an army officer who had been ..." You will
find an encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated -
From wikipedia -
NDjamena.biz __ "...provides information about the city to residents, local
businesses and visitors." You will find statistics, business information, social
information and much more. - illustrated - From ndjamena.biz -
population of N'Djamena __ N'Djamena population figure - From trueknowledge.com - http://www.trueknowledge.com/q/population_of_n%27djamena
What is N'Djamena city profile? __ You will find a brief overview of the city. - illustrated - From quezi.com - http://quezi.com/5779
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