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Ancient Rome is too large a subject to try and encompass it all on one page of listings. While there may be some overlap, the other pages listed above will be of help filling in details to material found here.
2-281A Roman kitchen pottery __ Sadly there is no photo though this site does explain a museum exhibit. Good description though. A PDF file. - From -
Ancient Roman pottery __ You will find an encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Ancient Roman pottery __ Roman pottery was produced by the proverbial ton but there was a difference between utilitarian ware and find pottery. Learn about the difference and view some beautiful photos of Roman pottery. - illustrated - From -
Ancient Roman Roof Construction __ A large Roman pottery industry was manufacturing roof tiles. A brief overview of how they worked. - illustrated - From -
British Museum - Roman pottery __You will find an overview of roman pottery and wonderfully annotated, click-to-view galleries of photos of Roman pottery. Pictures of Roman pottery - illustrated - From -
Byzantine Pottery - History for Kids! __ Many forget that Byzantine pottery 'IS Roman pottery, just a later version of it. Here is a brief overview for the younger set. - illustrated - From -
Category:Ancient Roman ceramics __ Photo galleries of ancient roman ceramics. - illustrated - From -
Category:Ancient Roman pottery by country __ Index of wikimedia images of Roman pottery. - From wikimedia -
Category:Byzantine pottery __ Index of wikimedia images of Byzantine pottery which is also Roman pottery. - illustrated - From Wikimedia -
Ceramics and Glass Glass Roman fineware __
Annotated galleries of photos of Roman pottery and glassware along with
a summary text if you click on the image. You may view the
galleries at large or search by pottery type. - illustrated - From -
Dressel 20 amphoras and allied types __ "The Dressel 20 is a large
globular form, with two handles and thickened, rounded or angular rim, concave
internally. A distinctive `plug' of clay seals the base of the vessel." This is
just one of the many types of amphorae. You can find information about other
types too. - illustrated - From -
Grove Dictionary of Art __ A detailed look at Roman pottery. "Several parallel stylistic traditions flourished within the Roman Empire, some with local pre-Roman roots. 'Roman' pottery usually denotes the products of the Roman Imperial period; late versions - 'Byzantine' (in Palestinian contexts) or, more normally, 'Late Roman' - persist in some Mediteranean regions until c. ad 700." - From von J. W. Hayes -
Ceramics in the Roman World & - Ceramic History Tutorials ... __
Excellent combination of text and photos of Roman ceramics. You may spend some
time here as there is a lot of material. - illustrated - From -
historyceramics - Roman Ceramics __ "Most Roman pottery was adapted from the works of other civilizations. Much of the pottery created during this period was an imitation or adaption of Greek, Egyptian or Syrian pottery." A good look at Roman ceramics. - illustrated - From -
historyceramics - Roman Functional Pottery __ "Most of the functional pottery created during this Empire was coarse wares. These Pots were created by the Romans from local clay that was usually red." You will find a good look at this kind of pottery. - illustrated - From -
Inlands Arts and Sciences - Byzantine Ceramics __ A few annotated photos of Byzantine ceramics. - illustrated - From -
The Lost Fort: Roman Pottery __ General overview of Roman pottery with pictures and links to many other things Roman - illustrated - From Gabriele Campbell -
Olla (Roman pot) __ An encyclopedic entry with links to related topics. - illustrated - From Wikipedia -
Online Information article about Roman Pottery __ A good essay about Roman Pottery jamed with embedded links to more detail or related subjects. - From -
Potsherd - Roman Pottery __ "This is a collection of pages on pottery and ceramics in archaeology, principally of the Roman period (1st cent. BC - 5th cent. AD) in Britain and western Europe." I can't describe it any better than that. - illustrated - From Paul Tyers -
Roman Ceramics are Evidence of Ancient Recycling __ Learn how new studies have uncovered the fact that Roman pottery was often recycled. "...traces the entire life histories of Roman pots, from their manufacture as containers for wine or olive oil, to astonishing secondary uses as cement additive or even coffins." - From -
Roman cooking pots __ Photo of Roman cooking pots. Many other excellent ceramics photos in the collection too. - illustrated - From / Wessex Archaeology -
Roman Period Pottery __ Information about fine ware and dinner pottery manufactured in Roman Egypt or traded to Roman Egypt. - illustrated - From -
roman pottery __ A good overview of Roman pottery, types and construction along with embedded links to more detailed material. - From -
Roman Pottery - History for Kids! __ Good introduction to Roman pottery for the younger student. - illustrated - From -
Roman Pottery - Material Culture - Recent Projects - Amarna Project __ Discovery of Roman pottery at Armana site in Egypt. - illustrated - From -
Roman Pottery Types __ Brief dscription of Roman pottery types and shapes. Text only. - From -
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