Pre-Columbian Pottery - Ceramics Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Anasazi Pottery __ General overview and annotated gallery of click-to-enlarge photos of Anasazi pottery. - From -
Anasazi Pottery - Evolution of a Technology __ Highly detailed paper in PDF format. - illustrated - From -
Ancient Aztec Pottery __ General overview of Aztec pottery with links to related subjects. - illustrated - From -
Ancient Mayan Pottery __ A slide show of ancient Mayan pottery. Photos of Mayan pottery. - illustrated - From Wall Street Journal -
Ancient Pueblo Pottery __ "Pottery made by Pueblo cultures in the Southwestern United States dates back 2,000 years, and it is made today in the same way it always has been." A general overview of ancient Pueblo pottery and pottery making techniques. - From -
Ancient Tides: Rare Mayan Pottery Featured in Exhibit __ "A world-renowned collection of ancient Maya painted pottery provides the focal point for Painted Metaphors: Pottery and Politics of the Ancient Maya, a new exhibition opening at the Penn Museum in Philadelphia." A brief overview with links and comments. - illustrated - From -
Aztec Ceramics - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality __ A growing website with one good annotated gallery of photos of Aztec ceramics. - illustrated - From University of South Florida -
Aztec pottery __ "Every Aztec/Mexica household, however poor, would have owned some pottery: essential were a large jar for storing water and pots for cooking beans and soaking maize kernels in overnight." A general overview of Aztec pottery. - illustrated - From -
Category:Pre-Columbian pottery __ Index of articles related to pre-Columbian pottery found in Wikipedia - From Wikipedia -
Category:Pre-Columbian pottery __ Gallery of click-to-enlarge images. - From wikimedia -
Ceramics in Latin American Archaeology __ "Ceramic (or pottery) objects are among the most common types of artifacts found on prehistoric archaeological sites in Latin America. Pottery was used to make an enormous variety of things in the past, from plain household pots to elaborate ceremonial vessels, and everything in between..." A good look at ceramics and their use in Latin American archaeology - illustrated - From -
A Collection of Pre-Columbian Pottery __ Annotated slide show. -
illustrated - From -
Inca Pottery __ An overview of ancient Inca pottery written in 1911 by Hiram Bingham, the American explorer who found the ruins of Machu Picchu. - From -
Inca Pottery - Clay Pottery Designs in Incan Ruins __ "Inca potters used thicker, denser clay for the larger ceremonial pots and plates, while smaller ceremonial vessels (huacos) were made of more delicate material, resembling today's clay pottery designs." A general overview of ancient Inca pottery and its manufacture. - illustrated - From -
Ceramics __ You will find an encyclopedic article with links to
related materials. - illustrated - from Wikipedia -
Mayan Pottery __ "The Maya have been making ceramics the same way for centuries. To produce a bowl—a common object�—the potter sits on the ground before a wooden board." Learn how this tradition has survived into modern times. - illustrated - From -
Mesoamerican Pottery - Gallery of Mesoamerican Pottery __ Large gallery of annotated, click to enlarge photos of pre-Columbian pottery. - illustrated - From -
Moche Portrait Vessels (Links page) __ "Between about
200BC and AD700 a militaristic society flourished on the northern Peruvian
coast. Formerly named after its language, Mochica, this civilization is now
referred to by the name of its major ceremonial administrative site, Moche..." -
You will find several resources. - From Princeton Online -
Moche Pottery __ "The Moche is an archaeological culture that existed on the north coast of Peru, dating to the Early Intermediate period from about 100 A.D. to 500 A.D." An overview of Moche pottery with photos. - illustrated - From -
Native American
Pottery __ An encyclopedic overview of ancient Native American pottery
with links to related materials. - illustrated - From Wikipedia -
People, Olmec Art __ "A large-scale collaborative project looks at
Mesoamerican pottery sources...They wanted to determine, if possible, if Olmec-style
pottery all came from one area, from many areas equally, or some combination." -
illustrated - From Archaeological Institute of America -
Pottery Presented as Evidence Of Olmec Culture's Influence __ A news article from 2005. "Scientists presented new evidence yesterday that the fabled Olmec, sculptors of ancient Mexico's colossal stone heads, were the region's first dominant civilization, a "mother culture" that served as the hub of lesser settlements." - From -
Pre-columbian Ceramic Pottery
__ "Online Exhibit of Pre-Columbian Ceramics from the cultures of Central
America prehispanic. Including pottery from Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, ..."
- illustrated - From -
Pre-Columbian Pottery Concentration __ In depth, multi page article about the collection of Pre-Columbian ceramics at Luther College, many click-to-enlarge photos. - illustrated - From -
Pre-Inca, Ceramics of
Ancient Peru __ A book review with a lot of information in its own right
and an interactive map/chart..."To see a note: Hover over a note button. To Pan:
click and drag the map canvas..." - From -
Volcanic Ash in Ancient Maya Ceramics __ The study of pre-Columbian ceramics can lead to much more information than color and design. Learn how such studies provide information about the history of volcanic eruption. - From Michigan Tech -
What Can We Learn from a Maya Vase? __ "Hi-tech analysis enables once-enigmatic
ceramic vessels to tell their tales. [abstract]" - From Archaeological Institute
of America -
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