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American Anthropological Association __ A lot of material in one place. Learn about their programs and goals. Find information on government relations, public policy, human rights and more. - From American Anthropological Association -
Anthro-l Home Page __ Homepage for an anthropological mailing list - archives, biographies -
Anthropology __ An encyclopedic overview of history and science of anthropology. - illustrated - from wikipedia -
Anthropology - Academic Info __ General resource directory about anthropology. - From -
Anthropology at IUPUI __ "Many ways of defining anthropology are explored
through articles and discussion threads." - From Indiana/Purdue Universities -
Anthropology Tutorials Menu __ "Lessons on various topics in cultural and physical anthropology. Includes glossaries, practice quizzes, and lists of related links." - From -
ARD - Anthropology Review Database __ This is a resource you may want to bookmark. It's "intended to improve the level of access of anthropologists to anthropological literature by making them more aware of what is being published and helping them to evaluate its relevance to their own interests." - From University at Buffalo -
Biographies __ You will find brief biographies for about 560 anthropologists. -
From Missesota state University, Mankato -
CARTS: Cultural Arts Resources for Teachers and Students __ Website for a wide
range of anthropological and cultural studies projects. - From cultural Arts REsources for Teachers & Students -
The Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing... __ Research reports on a
wide variety of topics. -
Cultural Survival's Home __ "We believe that indigenous peoples should be able
to determine their own futures on their own lands. Cultural Survival is an
anthropological and study organization dedicated to preserving cultural
resources around the world. Many indigenous cultures are in danger of becoming
extinct." - illustrated - From Cultural survival -
European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations __ Center focuses on
international migration and ethnic relations with an emphasis on Europe. -
Stone 1997, Animated Images __ Paper dealing with computers and anthropology.
"Computer animations "offer a unique means of depicting complex, sequential, or
spatial patterns that are often a topic of anthropological study." - illustrated
- From Washington University -
Women's Studies International __ General resource
directory about women's studies. - From -
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