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The Anthropology of Cyberspace __ "Over the past five years, the Internet has been transformed from a arcane communication system for the military and scientific elite to a massively popular medium. Its phenomenally rapid growth will shortly make it as common as the telephone or TV set as a household appliance. While the spread of these older media have had many important consequences for contemporary life, the Internet has introduced a much more powerful and versatile communication and information infrastructure that some social theorists believe will have a revolutionary impact on societies across the globe." Many articles and links about the subject. - From University of Manitoba -
EFF: Homepage __ "EFF is a nonprofit group of passionate people — lawyers,
volunteers, and visionaries — working to protect your digital rights." You will
find a ton of information about many aspects of online culture, rights,
controversies and more. - illustrated - From Electronic Frontier Foundation -
JoSS: Journal of Social Structure __ "The Journal of Social Structure (JoSS) is
an electronic journal of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).
It is designed to facilitate timely dissemination of state-of-the-art results in
the interdisciplinary research area of social structure. It publishes empirical,
theoretical and methodological articles." - From JoSS -
The Journal of Online Behavior __ An online journal "dedicated to the empirical
study of human behavior in the online environment" - From Behavior OnLine, Inc -
Netizens - On the History and Impact of the Net __ "This page contains links to Michael Hauben's and Ronda Hauben's on-line Netbook, Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the Internet. This netbook presents the history and impact of various aspects of the Net: the Internet, ARPANET, Usenet, etc." - From Columbia University -
Social Interaction on the Net: Virtual Community as Participatory Genre __ "The
phrase "virtual community" is often used to describe long term,
computer-mediated conversations amongst large groups. This paper suggests that
such conversations may be better viewed as instances of a participatory genre,
rather than as community." - From Thomas Erickson/Apple Research Laboratories -
University of Maryland, Human-Computer Interaction Lab __ "From the Internet to
robotics, technology is changing the way people live and learn. As new
technologies become ever more critical to people's lives, it is important to
design them to support people in their roles as learners, explorers, and
workers." You will find an enormous amount of information. - From University of
Maryland -
Virtual Communities __ An excellent resource for cyberanthropology including the
full text of the website owner's Masters Thesis and links to additional
material. - From Dave Coon -
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