Pioneer Overland Trails

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California National Historic Trail __ "The California Trail carried over 250,000 gold-seekers and farmers to the gold fields and rich farmlands of California during the 1840's and 1850's, the greatest mass migration in American history." Click on the "in depth" link for more detailed information. - illustrated - From National Park Service -  

Congress Created the Oregon Territory __ This multi-page article gives a look at the newly created Oregon Territory and the trail leading to it. - illustrated - From University of Virginia -


Dundass Overland Trail Diary __ A very brief article about the diary. - From -



Francis Parkman: The Oregon Trail __ Full text online. the book is called "The Oregon Trail - sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life." Illustrations are replicas of those produced for the 1892 edition. - From University of Virginia - 

Interactive Santa Fe Trail Homepage __ First learn the history of the trail then plan a trip of your own. You can go by car, horses, bikes or even hike parts of it. - illustrated - From Kansas Heritage - 



The Jim Beckwourth Trail __ "James Beckwourth discovered what is now known as Beckwourth Pass in the spring of 1850, and immediately set about establishing a trail to Marysville. He worked on the trail in the summer and fall of 1850 and the spring of 1851, and in the late summer of that year led the first wagon train of settlers along the trail into Marysville." - illustrated - From - 


Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail __ "Led by Brigham Young, roughly 70,000 Mormons traveled along the Mormon Pioneer Trail from 1846 to 1869 in order to escape religious persecution. The general route is from Nauvoo, Illinois, to Salt Lake City, Utah, covering about 1,300 miles." Click on the "in depth" link for more detailed information. - illustrated - From National Park Service -


Overland Trail __ You will find an encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated - From wikipedia -


The Overland Trail Main Page __ In this case, the best thing I can do is let them write their own review: "This website has been growing over the years, and it's really over-whelming! There's more to discover each time you visit it--everything related to the Santa Fe Trail. The history of the trail, of course, but also traveling the trail today, complete with maps and exploring the trail on-line, and current events along the trail. There are links to online books, book reviews, and maps about the trail, and also reading lists, and bibliographies. Another section deals with people on the trail, and their genealogies. Be sure to check out the Santa Fe Trail "Who's Who" which includes links to William Becknell (Father of the Santa Fe Trail), Josiah Gregg, and other more recent folks along the trail, including a "first person" account of travel on the trail provided by the g-grandson of the pioneer. - illustrated - From -


Overland Trail Museum - City of Sterling, Colorado __ Learn about the museum and its exhibits. - illustrated - From -




Pioneer Company Search __ "The Mormon Overland Travel, 1847-1868, is the most complete listing of individuals and companies in which Mormon pioneer emigrants traveled west to Utah from 1847 through 1868. It is an incomplete listing, as rosters have not been found for all companies..." - From -,15773,3966-1,00.html


Tales & Trails of the American West __ Numerous click-to-read articles about overland trails and other aspects of the American West. - From - 


Trails of Hope: Overland Diaries and Letters, 1846-1869 __ "...a collection of the original writings of 49 voyagers on the Mormon, California, Oregon, and Montana trails who wrote while traveling on the trail." - From -


Trails West: Across the Plains __ Manyy click-to-read articles and linked resources for America's overland trails. - From -   


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