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3D as a tool for Archaeology in Quebec __ Learn about using a stereoscopic 3D camera to explore and reveal the life style of those living in the first lands of America, between 1560 and 1760, in the city of Quebec. - illustrated - From -
Archéo-Québec • Archaeology in Quebec __ A general overview and history of archaeology in Quebec. - From -
Archaeological Sites | Québec Guide Touristique __ A guide to Quebec archaeological sites for locals and visitors. - From -
Archaeologists Study Early Whaling Community in Quebec __ "For over a decade, Smithsonian's Arctic Studies Center archaeologist, William Fitzhugh, has been investigating an early European whaling site at Hare Harbor in Québec, Canada. The site has revealed important contact and trading relationships between the Inuit peoples of Northern Canada and the European Basque Whalers of France and Spain." You will find a general overview plus a lot more. - illustrated - From -
Archeology - Heritage, Québec, History, City __ A brief overview of archaeology in Quebec city including some important finds. - From -
Archaeology in Quebec __ An encyclopedic article with links to additional materials. - From Wikipedia -
Archaeology in Québec __ An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - From -
Canadian Archaeological Association __ This article is about an agreement negotiated by Northern Quebec Inuit Association Montreal dealing with archaeological activity in the Quebec arctic regions. - From Canadian Archaeological Association -
Diving for a Sunken Canadian Treasure: Rediscovering the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke __ "The P.S. Lady Sherbrooke, a vessel used to navigate the waters of a newly discovered land, is an essential element in Canadian history. The two basic purposes to this website are to describe the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke and then to outline the complexities involved in what was the largest, privately supported, underwater archeological dive in Canadian history." - From -
Echoes from the Past __ A history of archaeology in Quebec along with site locations, artifacts, and much more. Flash Player needed for some of the visuals and galleries. - illustrated - From -
Intendant's Palace Archaeological Site __ "The site of the INTENDANT's Palace is in the Lower Town of Québec City below the Côte du Palais. In 1971 an exploratory survey confirmed the presence of ancient remains under the buildings of the Dow Brewery, which had just been demolished." A brief article. - From -
La Place Royale __ "For at least 2,000 years before the Europeans arrived, Amerindians frequently stopped on the point of land now occupied by the historical site of Place-Royale. They came to fish eel and to trade copper, furs and foodstuffs, among other things." Learn about the history and archaeological research. - From -
Phips Ship __ "A sunken ship in the St. Lawrence River has been identified as one of four vessels from Massachusetts lost after an ill-fated attack on Québec City in 1690. Found half-buried in sand near the town of Baie Trinitie, Quebec, the ship is believed to have carried soldiers from Dorchester, Massachusetts." A brief article. - From Archaeological Institute of America -
Quebec Archaeology Month __ "Archaeology, it’s happening right here in Quebec, Canada! For its eighth edition, Archaeology Month is exploring the theme of territory. From August 1 to 31, 2012, over 50 archaeological and historic places in different regions of the province are featuring a rich and varied agenda." If you miss it this year, it will be back next year. - From -
Quebec Culture History and Archaeology __ Collection of resources about Quebec archaeology and history. - From -
Tsiionhiakwatha/ Droulers Archeological Site __ "Tsiionhiakwatha archaeological site and interpretation centre, located near St Anicet Quebec, provides a glimpse into our ancestors’ pre-contact past." History, archaeological research, learn about the reconstructed village and more. - illustrated - From -