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Due to the nature of the topic and the wide range of information available, in order to cover only a tiny bit of it properly, some of the websites included here may have a commercial element in addition to the excellent information they provide. Such inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of product or service by Sites are included for information value only.
Cana Lilies __ "If you want a bright, happy, tropical-style garden but you don't live in the tropics, think about planting canna lilies. Cannas are undergoing a new wave of popularity now that warm colours and bold foliage are back in style." - illustrated - From -
Cannas __ You will find descriptions and growing tips for several varieties of canna. - illustrated - From San Marcos Growers -
Canna Forum __ lots of information, questions and answers, image galleries and
more. Your archaeolink editor hangs out here frequently. - illustrated - From -
Canna indica: Indian shot __ "Indian shot is a robust perennial herb up to three feet (1 m) tall that grows from a thick, branching, underground rhizome. The large green leaves taper into slender petioles that form a sheath around the main stem. Unlike the numerous cultivated varieties of domesticated cannas (Canna x generalis), with showy yellow, orange, pink or red blossoms, the flowers of C. indica are much smaller and typically only come in red." Still, an interesting variety to grow. - illustrated - From W.P. Armstrong -
Canna - Growing Canna Lilies in Your Garden __ "Cannas should be located where they will have a visual impact at the height of summer. Most cannas are tall and need to be placed at the back of a bed, but there are some dwarf varieties that will look good at the front of the border." A growing guide for cannas. - illustrated - From -
Cannas: Growing Tips __ "Cannas are tender tropical perennials that with a
little care can be grown in almost all areas. They are heavy feeders and require
lots of water to perform at their best." You will learn how to grow cannas from
seed or rhizomes and how to store bulbs in colder regions. - From -
Canna Lily __ "The canna lily does not belong to the family of lilies, but a genus of nineteen species of flowering plants, and has the likes of the banana and ginger in its family." A guide to canna plants and growing them. - illustrated - From -
Canna Lilies: Tips For Planting And Growing Cannas __ "While typically grown as annuals in cooler regions, given the proper conditions, canna lilies can color the garden year after year. " General growing information. - illustrated - From -
Canna (plant) __ An encyclopedic article about cannas and growing them. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Cultivar Finder __ Detailed information about a variety of cannas along with images. Use the cultivar finder to access other canna types. - illustrated - From -
Detailed information on Canna Lily 'Tropicanna (aka Phaison, Orange Durban) __
Hardiness, bloom time, description and images. - illustrated - From -
Easy to Grow Houseplants: The Quick Growing Cana Lily __ Yes, they do grow well
inside. I have grown a few that way. "The Cana Lily can grow up to 8-10' high.
This plant grows from a bulb that should be planted just underground. The cana
lily bulb can hold water for a very long period of time. This larged-leaf plant
grow well inside or outside." A good article. - illustrated - From -
Growing Canna Lilies __ You will find many click-to-read articles and resources along with a video. - illustrated - From -
How to care for a Canna lily __ "Canna lilies are easily cared for and gorgeous flowers. There are many different types of Canna lilies that provide a wide array of color." A growing guide. - illustrated - From -
How to grow Canna Lilies __ A general overview for growing these floral beauties. - illustrated - From -
How to Transplant a Canna Lily __ "Canna lilies have been a garden favorite since the 16th Century, with their large showy flowers and furled leaves resembling those on a banana tree. " General guide to moving and growing cannas. - From -
How to Winterize Canna Lilies __ "Trim off the flower and foliage stalks on your cannas in autumn before the first frost. If a light frost has occurred and the stalks are black or withered, trim them immediately." Learn the rest of the process. - From -
Floridata: Canna X generalis __ A good overview of the canna, its origins and
some growing tips. - illustrated - From -
Flower Gardening : How
to Grow Canna Lilies __ A video about how to grow cannas. - video -
My Web -Cannas: Majestic Flowers from the Tropics __ A general introduction to the canna lily and basic growing tips. - From -
PlantFiles: Detailed information on Canna Lily Canna x generalis __ Everything from description to patent information and more. - From / -
Planting guide - Canna Lilies __ "If wearing bright colors makes you
uncomfortable, cannas may not be for you. If, however, you like mixing bright
pink tops with teal bottoms, these plants are going to provide many seasons of
fun." Growing and planting guide. - From -
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