Growing Palm Trees Reviewed Resources for Gardeners |
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Due to the nature of the topic and the wide range of information available, in order to cover only a tiny bit of it properly, some of the websites included here may have a commercial element in addition to the excellent information they provide. Such inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of product or service by Sites are included for information value only.
Bonsai Palms __ Miniature palm trees? You bet. And here are some tips on how to do it along with the best varieties to grow. - From David F. Schwartz -
California Gardens - Palm Tree List __ "Palm trees do a lot to mentally take us
to the tropics. When we think of Hawaii and the
Philippines we think of the
coconut palms. Of course there are a few other Palms there as well. There are
also a huge number from the new world and areas that are cold enough that you
wouldn't expect to see a palm. There are palms that will survive all of the
temperatures in the teens and more." Click on name of palm for description and
image. - illustrated - From -
The Coconut Palm in Florida __ "Several cultivars of coconut palms are grown in
Florida . ... The tree should be set at the same depth at which it was growing
in the container. ..." - History, varieties and growing tips for coconut palms.
- From University of Florida -
Coconut Palm Tree Tips __ An online discussion of growing coconut palms, mostly
by amateurs, but a lot of fun. - From -
Cold hardy palm trees for colder climates __ "Cold hardy palm trees can tolerate
a winter freeze and stay beautifully tropical as long as you plant and grow the
right landscape Palm tree for your microenvirenment. Cold hardy palm trees grow
further North than you think." You will find at least one species hardy to 5
degrees F.- illustrated - From -
Cycas revoluta - Sago Palms - growing from pups __ While Sago palms are cycads
rather than true palms, I am including the information here because some may
have an interest. You will find basic growing information about growing sagos
from "pups." - illustrated - From -
Date Cultivation in the Coachella Valley, California __ "18th centuries, the
missionaries planted date seeds of inferior Spanish varieties around the
missions of Mexico, and by the latter half of the 18th century, date cultivation
had spread to the missions of southern California (Mahmud, 1958).
Some of these original palms, or their offshoots, dating from the late 18th
century still exist around the missions of southern California and northern Mexico." A bit of date palm history and some cultivation information detailing
the work needed to grow dates commercially. A PDF file. - From -
Fast Growing Palm Trees __ "Information about certain species of palm trees that
are generally accepted as fast growing." - illustrated - From -
Grow a Date from Seed __ "If you want to learn how to grow your own palms from
seed, the best way to start is with a date stone. It's cheap, it's fun - and
it's easy to find a supply of fresh seeds..." - illustrated - From -
Growing Palm Trees __ Palm trees aren't just for tropical gardens anymore. If
you're interested in growing them, there are a few things to think about. - From -
Growing Palms Indoors __ Brief, basic information for growing palms indoors.
Watch the water. - From -
Growth Rates of Palms in Fairchild Tropical Garden __ "One of questions we are
most frequently asked concerning palms is, "How fast do they grow?" Reference
books may give relative terms, such as "slow" or "moderately fast," but actual
growth rates are seldom reported. Spurred by questions from fellow palm
enthusiasts, we present the following growth rate data gathered from seed-grown
palms in Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami, Florida, USA." - From The
International Palm Society -
Hardy Palms __ An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. -
illustrated - From Wikipedia -
How to pick the best palms for English gardens __ "Most of us tend to think of Palms as some how associated with camels and exotic dessert places where the date palm comes from. But, surprising as it may sound there are palms, that are happy in the English climate, especially around the Southern coastal areas." Learn about the varieties you can grow there. - From -
Indoor Palms - information developed by Dr. Henry Donselman __ "Palms are
becoming increasingly more important in the interiorscape. Not only do they
provide a tropical atmosphere, they have also proven to be tolerant of wide
range of interior conditions. Specimen palms provide a bold tropical statement,
while smaller varieties present a certain elegance that few other plants can
create." Click on "show me the light" to find cultivation requirements for
indoor palms. Click on the "main menu" for a lot more information about palm
trees. - From -
International Palm Society __ "International Palm Society promotes discussion,
research and knowledge sharing among palm tree growers worldwide." Learn about
the society, or even join. - illustrated - From -
Landscaping with Palms in the Mediterranean __ While this is about the
Mediterranean region, California gardeners can gain much as they share a similar
climate. - From -
The Many Types of Palm Trees __ An overview of some of the hardier palm
varieties. - From -
Palm Seed Germination, Growing Palm Trees From Seed __ A summary of important
points to think about when germinating palm tree seeds. Germination techniques,
procedures, recommendations and creating an ideal environment for germination
and growth. - From Phil Bergman -
Palm Tree Care and Common Palm Tree Names__ "This page has information on palm
tree care and how to grow palm trees on about 200 species of palms that are most
commonly cultivated in gardens. Listed are the scientific and palm common names
(if one exists), cultural requirements for each species, photographs, hints as
to successful growing, and other interesting data." - illustrated - From -
Palm Tree Care Frequently Asked Questions __ Common questions and answers about
growing palm trees. - From -
Palms __ A guide to palms suited to the desert southwest.. "But if you are
considering planting palms as part of a backyard desert oasis, be aware that
there are only 9 palm trees you can grow with confidence in our dry, hot desert
-- out of the over 2500+ species of palms around the world." Photos, description
and growing tips. - illustrated - From -
Tree Help Directory, Palm Tree Advice & Palm Tree Care, Growing ...
__ "Palm
tree care and maintenance information, species and origins of some palm trees
are also discussed." Many click-to-read articles about growing palms. - From -
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