Fruit & Vegetable Gardening Reviewed Resources for Gardeners |
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Due to the nature of the topic and the wide range of information available, in order to cover only a tiny bit of it properly, some of the websites included here may have a commercial element in addition to the excellent information they provide. Such inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of product or service by Sites are included for information value only.
Angular Leafspot of Cucumber __ "During warm, wet weather, bacterial angular leafspot can cause serious yield and quality loss to cucumbers." Learn how to control the problem - From North Dakota State University -
Answers about: Fruits __ Many click-to-read articles about growing and harvesting fruit. - From North Dakota State University -
Answers about: Vegetables __ Many click-to-read articles about growing and
harvesting vegetables. - From North Dakota State University -
Tasteful Garden Herb Plants Heirloom Tomato Plants Vegetable Gardening Cooking
from the Garden __ A commercial site with a lot of information. - illustrated -
From -
Disease Control in Cherries, Plums, and Other Stone Fruits __ "Most stone fruit
diseases ... are sporadic in occurrence because they are dependent on
specialized environmental conditions at certain periods in the growth cycle of
the plant." Learn how to identify them and correct things. - From North Dakota
State University -
Disease Management In Home-Grown Cucumbers, Melons and Squash __ "Cucurbits --
cucumbers, melons, squash, pumpkins, and watermelons -- are popular in the home
vegetable garden. These crops may be healthy in some years, but disease can be
severe in others. The best management strategy combines cultural controls to
reduce disease danger and timely use of fungicides if needed. Such a program is
called integrated pest management (IPM). To follow an IPM program for management
of cucurbit diseases:" Learn how to handle the problem here. - illustrated -
From North Dakota State University -
Disease Management in Home-Grown Tomatoes __ Several disease problems occur on
home-grown tomatoes and here you can learn how to cure or prevent them. - From
North Dakota State University -
Diseases of Apples and Other Pome Fruits __ Several disease problems occur on
apples. Learn here how to prevent or cure. - From North Dakota State University
Fruit Gardner __ An online magazine covering a wide range of fruit growing related topics. - illustrated - From -
Fruit Insect and Disease Control Guide For the Home Gardener __ "Many home fruit
plantings are attacked by insects and diseases. Often the infestations have
become well established before the grower realizes what has happened. This
circular sets up a simple fruit spray guide that will not require much extra
time or expensive equipment to do a good job of protecting trees from insects
and diseases. Proper use of this treatment schedule will prevent a pest problem
from getting out of control." - From North Dakota State University -
Fruits, Berries and Nuts __ Some of the titles found here include: "Fruit Tree
Varieties," "Raspberries," "Drip Irrigation," and many more. These files are in
PDF and Acrobat Reader is needed. - illustrated - From Washington State
University -,.htm
Growing Vegetables In The Home Garden (Part One) __ Basic gardening information.
You will find a link to Part Two at the bottom of the page - From United States
Department of Agriculture/Hopkins Technology -
Growing your own Fruit and Vegetable garden __ "A garden encyclopedia of plant
information with gardening advice and help to keep your garden, flowers and
plants looking their best" - illustrated - From -
Home Gardening __ You will find a wealth of information about vegetables or
fruits along with days until maturity. A highly detailed website. - illustrated
- From NC Cooperative Extension -
Major Ingredients for small fruit success __ A good source of basic information.
- From Pense Nursery Inc. -
Midwesterner's Guide to Vegetable Gardening __You will find a wide range of
information and gardening tips, click-to-read articles and links to related
materials. - illustrated - From Kent Blaum -
USDA,ARS, Tree Fruit Research Laboratory __ Information about apples, cherries,
and pears, their diseases and disorders. - From -
Vegetable gardening in winter __ Here is a list of "cool season" vegetables
along with growing instructions. - From -
White Mold of Vegetables and Ornamentals __ "White mold or Sclerotinia disease
caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum causes a wilt, rot and blight of
over 374 ornamentals, field crops, weeds and vegetables in 64 plant families..."
Learn how to identify and control the problem. - From North Dakota State
University -
Why and how of Saving your own Seeds __ "If left to themselves, our fleshy
fruits would naturally fall to the soil and rot slowly, allowing some of their
seeds to settle into the ground , and sprout when spring arrives. Saving seeds
from these plants mimics Nature s way of gardening...But remember, only seeds
from open-pollinated (not hybrid) plants will produce the same crop next year.
And except for tomatoes, you need to be fairly certain that the plants in
question have not been cross pollinated by insects." - From -
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