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American Garden Museum - National Gardens __ "The American Garden Museum has just started to build the archive of American gardening history." You will find gardens across the country and maybe you will want to add your own. - illustrated - From American Garden Museum -
Ancient Egyptian Gardens and Garden Living __ The garden was an integral part of middle and upper class Egyptian homes and lives. "GARDENS were very popular and played a large part in the lives of ancient Egyptians. Gardens were much to them, highly esteemed, and allowing garden owners to see life nicely regulated within the large or small strip of land - one that fostered life. Ancient Egyptians designed and thrived in Garden Houses, it was not modern architect who invented the Garden House concept." - illustrated - From T. Kinnes -
A Brief History of Gardening __ Just that, a brief but very good history of gardening. - From Tim Lambert -
East Asian garden history __ "Palace and domestic gardens were made in Ancient China and Ancient Japan but no archaeological or visual remains of these gardens have been discovered." Learn how we know what they were like and how they have effected modern Chinese gardens. - illustrated - From -
The Enchanted Gardens of the Renaissance __ You will find information about
Renaissance and tour three of the most magnificent. - illustrated - From Fondation Jacques-Edouard Berger -
Essential British Gardens __ You may tour historic gardens in all parts of the
UK. - illustrated - From -
Garden History on the Web __ Information on gardening and gardens from Medieval times through the 19th century. - illustrated - From -
Gardening History Timeline . . . __ Here is a timeline of gardening and farming
from ancient times to the 16th century. - By Michael P. Garofalo -
Gardens in Ancient Egypt __ "Gardens were much cherished in the ancient days and were kept both for secular purposes and attached to temple compounds. Gardens at private houses and villas before the N.K. were mostly used for growing vegetables and located close to a canal or the river." an excellent overview of Egyptian gardens. - From -
Gardens in Ancient Greece __ A general overview of ancient Greek gardening along with click-to-view images of ancient plants and more. - illustrated - From -
The Gardens & Grounds __ A guide to the gardens of Thomas Jefferson's
Monticello. - illustrated - From -
Giverny - Vernon : Impressionist gardens __ Tour a collection of "Impressionist" gardens including that of Claude Monet. - illustrated - From -
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon __ "Some stories indicate the Hanging Gardens
towered hundreds of feet into the air, but archaeological explorations indicate
a more modest, but still impressive, height." - illustrated - By Lee Krystek -
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon __ "The Hanging Gardens of Babylon awed and
astounded many travelers and historians in ancient times. Although they no
longer exist, the idea of such a magnificent feat of engineering still
fascinates people today." -
Historic Gardens __ "Historic gardens of this country can generally be divided into three periods: Colonist and Pre-Revolution (1600-1776), Post-Revolution (1776-1850), and Victorian (1850-1900)." A general overview. - From -
History of gardening __ "The history of ornamental gardening may be considered as aesthetic expressions of beauty through art and nature, a display of taste or style in civilized life, an expression of an individual's or culture's philosophy, and sometimes as a display of private status or national pride—in private and public landscapes." You will find an encyclopedic article with links to related materials - illustrated - From Wikipedia -
History of gardening
__ A brief history of gardening through the years. - illustrated - From -
Introduction to Dutch Gardens and Garden Architecture __ "Gardening in the
Netherlands, as in most of Europe, had its earliest expression in abbey and
monastery gardens of the Middle Ages where vegetables, fruit and herbs were
cultivated. The layout of a medieval garden usually consisted of a square or
slightly elongated rectangle. Cloister gardens usually consisted of a more or
less square space divided by a cross-shaped path. A feature - perhaps water or a
tree - often marked the centre of the cross." You will find a detailed history
and graphics. - illustrated - From Wageningen UR -
Parks and Gardens - A Never Ending Quest for Beauty and Harmony __ While this may seem a strange name for a gardening website, it is about gardening in ancient Rome. "Roman masters used the accomplishments of classic Greece not only in the fields of architecture and sculpture, but also in the principles of garden building. However, the conditions of the social life at that time diverted the course of development in a different direction. Around the 1st century BC, the end of the republic started a mass-scale construction of villas surrounded by parks." - illustrated - From Thinkquest -
U.K. Database of Historic Parks and Gardens __ "The database has been prepared by Landscapes & Gardens at the University of York, and has been enabled by grants from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, and the Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust. It contains outline information on places, their locations by local authority, persons associated and contact names and addresses of those bodies that may have further information." - From University of York -
The Vatican Gardens __ "The Vatican Gardens date back to medieval times when vineyards and orchards extended to the north of the Apostolic Palace. In the 1279 Pope Nicholas II enclosed this cultivated area with walls." You will find a description, history and a couple of photos. - illustrated - From Al Pellegrino Cattolico -
What is Garden Archaeology __ This is a good overview of what is known as
"garden archaeology." There is more than just digging involved. Learn about
restoring antique gardens and discover that beneath the remains of an old garden
is often one even older. You will find a multi-page article. - illustrated -
From Institute of Historic Building Conservation -
What were ancient
Egyptian gardens like? __ A brief essay on the subject. - illustrated -
From -
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