Abenaki Indians Reviewed Resources for Students and teachers |
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Abenaki - Acolapissa - Acoma Pueblo - Alabama-Coushatta - Algonquin - Anishinabe / Ojibwe / Chippewa - Apache - Apsaroke / Crow - Arapaho - Assiniboine - Atikamekw - Bannock - Beothuk - Blackfoot - Caddo - Cahuilla - Cayuse - Chaco Canyon Pueblo - Chehalis - Cherokee - Cheyenne - Chickasaw - Chinook - Choctaw - Chumash - Cochiti Pueblo - Coeur D'Alene (Schitsu'umsh) - Colville - Comanche - Confederated Tribes of Siletz - Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe - Cree - Creek - Delaware Lenape - Flathead - Goshute- Haida - Hidatsa - Hoopa ( Hupa ) - Hopi - Houma - Huron / Wendat - Innu - Iroquois - Isleta Pueblo - Jemez Pueblo - Kansa - Kikapoo - Kiowa - Klamath Tribes (Klamath / Modoc / Yahooskin) - Klallam - Kuaua - Kumeyaay - Kwakiutl
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__ "The Abenaki people call themselves Alnôbak, meaning "Real
People" (c.f. Lenape language: Lenapek). In addition, when compared to
the more
interior Algonquian peoples, they call themselves Wôbanuok meaning
"Easterners"..." An encyclopedic article along with additional
resources. - illustrated - From
wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abenaki
Abenaki Indian Genealogy __ "Links, mailing lists, and general
information for tracing Abenaki heritage." - From accessgenealogy.com -
Abenaki Indian Tribe __ Collection of individual Abenaki Indian legends
and folktales. Abenaki Mythology ... Family tree, photos, and Abenaki
resources. - illustrated - From native-languages.org -
Abenaki Indian Tribe __ This site is jam-packed with information ranging
from Abenaki history through tribal divisions and ethnic relations. -
From nanations.com -
The Abenaki Indians by Frederic Kidder __ "Download the free eBook: The Abenaki Indians by Frederic Kidder." - From gutenberg.org -
Abenaki Traditions __ Read about ceremonies, pipe smoking, herbs, and
food of the Cowasuck Abenakis. - From cowasuck.org -
THE ABENAKIS THE ABENAKIS - Vermont Commission on Native ... __ A lot of resources, general information and includes lesson plans. - From vermont.gov - http://vcnaa.vermont.gov/sites/vcnaa/files/Resources.pdf
Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook-Abenaki People __The Cowasuck Band of Abenaki/Pennacook
People is an excellent source of information regarding Abenaki
related events and services in the entire New England area. - From
cowasuck.org - http://www.cowasuck.org/pageone.cfm
Facts for Kids: Abenaki Indians (Abanaki, Abnaki, Abenakis) ___"Where do
the Abenaki Indians live? What was Abenaki culture like in the past?
What is it like
now? What was Abenaki clothing like? Did they wear feather headdresses
and face paint?" The answers to these (and many other questions) are
here in
easy-to-understand language. Highlighted words within the text lead you
to further information about, and pictures of, the topic at hand. -
Illustrated - From Native
Languages of the Americas -
Lesson Plan - Abenakis Before
Contact: Different Worlds Meet __
"Students learn how Native Americans—specifically, Abenaki—lived before contact
with Europeans. Also, they learn how Europeans changed Native American life.
During the course of the lesson, students learn the meanings of the words
artifact and treaty." Goals, procedure, materials. A PDF file- From
nhhistory.org -
Lesson Planning, Lesson Plan Formats and Lesson Plan Ideas __ How to produce a lesson plan and not just for Indian tribes either. - From adprima.com - http://www.adprima.com/lesson.htm
Maine's Water Routes ___While this article discusses the polluting and clean up of Maine's rivers, there is a paragraph about the importance of these waterways to the Abenaki people. - Illustrated - From the Gulf of Maine Aquarium - http://octopus.gma.org/streams/roots.html
Menu - Abenaki Graphics & Maps
__You will find maps and click-to-view Abenaki photos. Abenaki pictures. - From avcnet.org -
Native American Indian Legends - Abenaki Emergence Myth __ Creation
story of the Abenaki. - From firstpeople.us -
Ne-Do-Ba - The Abenaki of Western Maine ___This website is maintained by
a nonprofit corporation, Ne-Do-Ba, "established to explore and share
topics relating
to the Abenaki Indian and their Euroamerican relationships in Western Maine, past and present." Click on the links buttons to access
information about such topics
as history and genealogy. - Text only - From Ne-Do-Ba -
Resources on the Abenaki __ Collection of resources about the Abenaki
also resources for other Native American topics. - From mongabay.com -
Story - A Visit with Sabael Benedict ___The interview you find here was conducted about 1948. It's most interesting. - Illustrated - Originally from John Todd, D.D. - http://www.avcnet.org/ne-do-ba/fam_ben1.html
Traditional Indian Games
And Toys ___While the
information presented here might be applied in general to any Native American
tribe, this paper concerns
theAbenakis of Maine. - Text only - From Susan Aucoin -
Vermont Court Says History Voids Land Claims of Abenaki Indians __ "The Abenaki Indians' claims to about 150 square miles of land in northwestern Vermont have been voided by the "increasing weight of history," the State Supreme Court has ruled." A rather 'dated' article from 1992 but still an important read in Abenaki history. - From nytimes.com - http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E0CE3DB163AF93BA25755C0A964958260
Who are the Abenaki Indians? ___"The history, culture, societal make-up, hunting and spiritual life of the Abenaki Indians. Also an analysis of the living conditions of the remnant of these people surviving in the 21st century." - Text only - From PageWise, Inc. - http://scsc.essortment.com/abenakinewengl_rmru.htm
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