Apache Indians Social Studies Reviewed Resources for Students and teachers |
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Eastern Woodland Indian Tribes - Northern Plains Indian Tribes - Pacific Northwest Indian Tribes - Southern Plains & Southwest Indian Tribes
__ "Apache is the collective name for several culturally related groups of
Native Americans in the United States. These indigenous peoples of North America
speak a Southern Athabaskan (Apachean) language, and are related linguistically
to the Athabaskan speakers of Alaska and western Canada." You will find an
encyclopedic article with links to additional resources. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Apache Nation
__ "The Apaches are well-known for their superior skills in warfare strategy and
inexhaustible endurance. Continuous wars among other tribes and invaders from
Mexico followed the Apaches' growing reputation of warlike character. When they
confronted Coronado in 1540, they lived in eastern
New Mexico, and reached
Arizona in the 1600s. The Apache are described as a gentle people; faithful in
their friendship." You will discover this and a lot more in this website. -
illustrated - From Crystalinks -
Chiricahua and
Mescalero Apache Texts __ "The Chiricahua and Mescalero Apache are
two tribes, closely related in both language and culture, who formerly lived in
adjacent areas of southern New Mexico and
Arizona." Here you will find historic
texts from both groups including sings, linguistic analysis of the texts, and
much more. - From University of Virginia -
Geronimo and the Last of the Indian Wars
Lesson Plan __ "The purpose of this lesson is to acquaint students
with the life of Geronimo, and with the history of the Indian wars in the
United States, particularly from 1866 to 1890." Goals, materials,
procedure. - From firstladies.org -
Geronimo His Own Story __ A remarkable read about a remarkable man. I
have read every page and look forward to doing so again. - illustrated - From
The Faculty of Arts, Groningen -
Geronimo's Surrender / Skeleton Canyon, 1886___Follow Geronimo's
story from the time he led his people from the San Carlos reservation to the
time of his surrender 18 months later. - Illustrated - From
SouthernNewMexico.com -
Home Site of the
Jicarilla Apache Nation __ Official web page for the Jicarilla Apache
Nation. You will find current events, news and history. Photos of Apache people
and land. Apache Indian pictures - illustrated - From Jicarilla Apache Nation -
Jicarilla Apache Nation __ "The Jicarilla Apache Nation is located in the scenic mountains and rugged mesas of northern New Mexico near the Colorado border." A brief overview. - From nmmagazine.com - http://www.nmmagazine.com/native_american/jicarilla.php
Lesson Planning, Lesson Plan Formats and Lesson Plan Ideas __ How to produce a lesson plan and not just for Indian tribes either. - From adprima.com - http://www.adprima.com/lesson.htm
Apache Reservation __ "The Mescalero Apache Reservation is located in
southern New Mexico near the city of Ruidoso off U.S. 70." A brief
overview. - From nmmagazine.com -
of the Jicarilla Apaches __ "In the under-world, Un-gó-ya-yên-ni,
there was no sun, moon, or light of any kind, except that emanating from large
eagle feathers which the people carried about with them." There begins the
story. - From University of Virginia -
Pictures of Apache Indians __ A collection of historic Apache Indian
photos. Apache Indian pictures. - illustrated - From sonofthesouth.net -
San Carlos
Apaches __ Learn about the history of the San Carlos Apache in this
brief overview. "In the last part of the 19th century all these bands were
concentrated on the San Carlos Reservation, at the junction of San Carlos River
and the Gila River. The San Carlos Apache now consider themselves a unified
people, even though they were originally quite disparate bands." - By Paul R.
Machula -
A Simplified
Description of Apache Pronunciation __ Just what the title says it
is. - by Paul R. Machula -
The Sunrise Dance __ "Traditionally, almost every Western Apache girl
had a puberty ceremony, or na'ii'ees ('preparing her,' or 'getting her ready'),
known popularly as the Sunrise Dance. Today, this is no longer true. Although
puberty ceremonies continue to be performed on a regular basis, most Apache
girls now must do without them. Two reasons for this decline are apparent.
First, as a result of inroads made on the traditional religion by missionaries,
some Apaches no longer believe in the effectiveness of na'ii'ees. A second
reason that na'ii'ees is held less and less is its prohibitive cost. The amount
of money and work required is staggering and this condition makes the ceremony
impossible for many people." You will learn much more about the dance. A few
black and white photos are found with the text. - illustrated - From Harvard
University -
What are the White Mountain Apache naming traditions? __ Some
information about naming traditions but a lot of other information as well.
- From aaanativearts.com -
White Mountain Apache
Tribe __ Official web page of the White Mountain Apache. Learn about
their history, enterprises and what the Great Seal of the White Mountain apache
means. - illustrated - From White Mountain Apache -
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