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11500-Year-Old Remains of Cremated 3-Year-Old Discovered __ "An archaeological dig in Alaska has uncovered the oldest human remains ever found in Arctic or Subarctic North America – the cremated skeleton of a 3-year-old." Learn about the find and the results. - From -
Alaska Archaeological Career Listings __ A few jobs listed. - From -
Alaska Archaeology __ A general overview of Alaskan archaeology - From -
Alaska Archaeology Museum Directory __ Listing of archaeological museums in Alaska. - From -
Alaska DNR, Office of
History & Archaeology __ Learn about the National Trust for Historic
Preservation work in Alaska. - illustrated - From National Trust for Historic
Preservation. - From Alaska DNR, Office of History & Archaeology -
Alaska Heritage Resources Survey __ "The Alaska Heritage Resources Survey (AHRS) is an inventory of all reported historic and prehistoric sites within the State of Alaska and is maintained by the Office of History and Archaeology." - From -
Alaska Preservation Plan Profile __ "Saving Our Past: Alaska's Historic Preservation Plan" Learn about the plan and how it will be implemented. - From National Park Service -
Alaskan archaeologists find ancient artefacts __ Another "first of their kind" find was made. "A team from the University of Alaska Museum of the North expected to find more boulders etched with petroglyphs during an expedition to further explore the remains of three prehistoric lake-front dwellings in Northwest Alaska’s Noatak National Preserve this summer." - illustrated - From -
Ancient bronze artifact unique in Arctic Alaska archaeology __ "Nothing like this has ever before been found in an Arctic Alaska archaeological site: a cast bronze buckle-like object, discovered in August in a 1,000-year-old Inupiat dwelling on Cape Espenberg, just south of Kotzebue on the Chukchi Sea coast. Since ancient Alaskans had no bronze culture, the object was either carried across the Bering Strait by ancestors of modern Inupiat or obtained by trade from Asia, say the University of Colorado-led scientists who discovered it." Learn about the find, The video link seems to not be working. - From Anchorage Daily News -
Archaeological Overview of Alaska __ You will find an excellent primer to the prehistory of both Alaska generally, and the four major regions, with their wide variations in cultural attributes. - From -
Archaeologists Unearth Evidence of Alaska’s Russian Colonial Past __ Learn about archaeological finds on the grounds of the Baranov Museum in Kodiak Alaska. - From -
Archeology in Downtown Skagway __ Learn the results of 30 years of archaeological research in Skagway. - illustrated - From National Park Service -
BLM-Alaska: Archaeology __ "Since the time of Alaska Statehood in 1959, many significant archaeological discoveries have revolutionized our understanding of Alaska’s most ancient people and how they first used the land." You will find an overview of several archaeological sites in Alaska. - illustrated - From -
Broken Mammoth Archaeological Project, Introduction __ "The oldest archaeological sites yet known in Alaska are found in the Tanana Valley between the Alaska Range and the Tanana-Yukon Upland. Radiocarbon determinations for these sites are between 11,000 and 12,000 yr." An excellent look. - illustrated - From Alaska Department of Natural Resources -
Castle Hill Archaeological Project __ "With its commanding view of Sitka Sound,
Castle Hill has long been a defining landmark of the local landscape. This rocky
sixty-foot-high promontory was once the colonial capitol of Russian-America and
the location of events which shaped U.S. history. Here, during the summers of
1995, 1997, and 1998, archaeologists from the State of Alaska, assisted by
students and volunteers, scientifically excavated early nineteenth century
deposits to recover artifacts and information." Extended overview of the project
in the form of click-to-read articles. Some are in PDF format. - illustrated -
From state of Alaska -
Category:Archaeological sites in Alaska __ Index of articles related to
Alaska archaeology found in Wikipedia - From wikipedia -
Chaluka Archaeological Site - Prehistoric Village in Alaska
__ "Chaluka is a 3500-4000 year old site on the mountainous island of
Unmak, in the Aleutian archipelago of Alaska. Known since the beginning of the
20th century, it was firstly excavated in 1938 and later in the 60s and 70s by
W.S. Laughlin and Jean Aigner." A general overview plus links to related
material. - From -
Community Archaeology at the Baranov Museum, Kodiak, Alaska __ Learn about an event in 2008 but much of the info is still current. "The 1964 Good Friday earthquake in south Alaska created a tsunami that leveled much of Kodiak..." This of course effected much of what can be done. - From -
dig: Alaska Archaeology Events __ "dig's guide to special archaeological programs, events, and exhibits in Alaska" - From -
Fort Durham __ "Fort Durham Site, also known as AHRS Site JUN 036 or as Fort Taku is an archaeological site near Taku Harbor, Alaska, within the limits of Juneau City and Borough." An encyclopedic article and report with links to additional references. - From wikipedia -
Kenai Fjords Oral History and Archaeology Project __ "Most visitors perceive the Pacific coast of the Kenai Peninsula as a spectacular wilderness, devoid of human history." But that is not true as you can learn here. - illustrated - From -
Late Prehistoric Cultural Dynamics and-__ Here you will find an excellent report
about the archaeological research at two of the three main archaeological sites
in the Wales National Register District, Alaska. The report is divided into
several sections each covering an aspect of things in detail. - From R.K.
Harritt/University of Alaska Anchorage -
Lesson Planning, Lesson Plan Formats and Lesson Plan Ideas __ How to produce a lesson plan and not just for archaeology either. - From -
Margaret Bay Archaeological Site __ Here is an excellent summary of the history
of this site in the Aleutians, and the work done there. - illustrated - From -
Native Village of Afognak __ "Dig Afognak began in 1993 as part of a community-wide effort to regain, restore and carry forward the light of our ancestral Alutiiq culture. Archaeological research in the Kodiak Archipelago began in earnest following the Exxon-Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound in 1989. With the clean-up of Alaskan shorelines following the disaster, many archaeological sites were being disturbed and valuable information lost. Storm waves, vandalism and time itself were working to destroy the archaeological record." The project is still going on. Learn what is being done now. - illustrated - From - -
Office of History and Archaeology __ You will find easy access to related
statutes and tax incentive information, as well as links to archaeological digs
and historic places. - From state of Alaska -
Prehistory of Alaska __ "This page serves as the index page for a series of
documents that provide an OVERVIEW of the prehistory of Alaska and for another
set of documents that briefly describe the cultural resources (archaeology,
history, ethnography) in each national park and preserve in the state." - From
National Park Service -
Seacaves __ "The acronym, SEACAVES, stands for Southeast Alaska Caves Project."
You will read about research which dates human contact with the caves to about
3000 BCE. "At a huge seacave known as Wolf's Lair on Baker Island, a raft of
drift logs has been dated between 3400 and 4400 years old (Dixon et al. 1997).
Although the site does not appear to have been occupied extensively, some
unusual wooden artifacts were found amidst the ancient flotsam in 1994. These
include a 5000 year old cedar implement." - photos - By Madonna L. Moss and Jon
M. Erlandson, University of Oregon -
Stone Pages Archaeo News: Alaskan archaeology project raises questions __ "While the ocean is about 1600 metres away from the site today, 3000 years ago Womens Bay (Alaska, USA) extended farther inland. The Amak site would have been overlooking a beach area at the head of the bay,..." The main question is whether the site is much older than thought due to a find made at the end of a dig season and reburied. - From -
Totem Bight State Historical Park, Alaska __ "With the growth of non-Native
settlements in Southeast Alaska in the early 1900's, and the decline of a barter
economy, Natives moved to communities where work was available. The villages and
totem poles they left behind were soon overgrown by forests and eroded by
weather. In 1938 the U.S. Forest Services began a program aimed at salvaging and
reconstructing these large cedar monuments." This is a great combination of
archaeology and cultural revival. - illustrated - From Alaskan State Government
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