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Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument __ "For thousands of years, people came to the red bluffs above the Canadian River for flint that was vital to their existence." History and archaeology. - illustrated - From National Park Service -
Archeology - Texas Historical Commission __ "The Texas Historical Commission's (THC) Archeology Division works to identify, protect and preserve Texas' irreplaceable archeological heritage. Using a regional approach, archeologists and staff participate in a variety of activities to support this mission." Organization, goals and accomplishments. - From -
Buffalo Soldiers in Texas: Archaeology at Pine Springs Camp __ "Buffalo Soldiers, Apaches, and the Archaeology of the Apache War" - From -
Caddo Mounds : Texas Historical Commission __ "More than 1,200 years ago, a group of Caddo Indians known as the Hasinai built a village and ceremonial center 26 miles west of present-day Nacogdoches." Learn about the archaeological park, accomplishments and goals. - illustrated - From -
Category:Archaeological sites in Texas __ Index of articles relating to Texas archaeology found in Wikipedia. - From wikipedia -
Council of Texas Archeologists __ Learn about the organization, goals, projects and accomplishments. - illustrated - From -
dig: Texas Archaeology Events __ "dig's guide to special archaeological programs, events, and exhibits in Texas" - From -
Earliest Americans Arrived Even Earlier __ "A newly found trove of 56 stone tools north of Austin confirms the makers of the "Clovis point" weren't the first Americans." The find dates back 15,000 years. A general overview. - illustrated - From -
El Orcoquisac __ "In the 1720s, French traders began visiting the Galveston Bay area to trade with the Akokisa (Orcoquisa) and Bidai Indians." Learn the subsequent history and read about the archaeological research of the area. - illustrated - From -
El Paso Archaeological Society __ Learn about the society and its goals. "EPAS
is a dynamic organization of approximately 250 avocational and professional
archaeologists. We are a nonprofit group dedicated to conservation and
preservation of cultural resources. Our activities offer something for almost
everyone interested in archaeology - from interesting speakers to hands-on
experience. Look around our website and see if there is something for you..." -
illustrated - from EPAS -
Handbook of Texas Online - Historical Archaeology __ "In Texas, historical archeology-the study by archeological techniques of sites influenced by literate populations-seems to have begun with archeological work financed by the Work Projects Administration." A good article detailing the development of 'historical archaeology' in Texas. - From -
Historic archaeology: Depleted Texas lakes expose ghost towns, graves __ "Across the state, receding lakes have revealed a prehistoric skull, ancient tools, fossils and a small cemetery that appears to contain the graves of freed slaves. Some of the discoveries have attracted interest from local historians, and looters also have scavenged for pieces of history. More than two dozen looters have been arrested at one site." A news story - From -
Images from a West Texas Archaeological Dig April, 2006 - West of Matador in Motley County __ Annotated gallery of photos of an archaeology dig. - illustrated - From -
Levi Jordan Plantation Home Page __ "The plantation was built in 1848 by Levi Jordan, his family, and the people who worked for them as slaves and, later, as tenant farmers and sharecroppers. This web site attempts to discuss the lives of ALL of these people, and covers a period from 1848 until about 1888-1890." History, archaeology and more. - From -
Levi Site __ " a shallow rockshelter in the valley of a small tributary of the Pedernales River in western Travis County." A series of excavations has pushed habitation back 10,000 years. - From -
Lower Pecos-Archeology __ "The Lower Pecos Canyonlands, with its remarkable concentration of rockshelters and polychrome rock paintings, offers unique opportunities to study how hunter-gatherers adapted to a semi-arid environment." A history of archaeological research in the region. - illustrated - From
Mansfield Cut Underwater Archeological District __ The district holds several ship wrecks and you can learn about three of them here. An encyclopedic article with links to related material. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Pottery Heist __ "Last July someone slipped into the Texas Archaeological
Research Laboratory (TARL) at the University of Texas at Austin, making off with
21 Native American pots. Among those taken were 17 Caddo pots from northeast
Texas dating from A.D. 1200-1600, including some of the best-known examples of
ceramics from that area. A collection of Archaic (6000 B.C.-A.D. 200) dart
points and reproductions of decorated pebbles are also missing." Interesting
story. - From Archaeological Institute of America -
Recovery Archaeology on the Texas Coast __ Learn how an important and
interesting archaeological investigation got underway and what has been
accomplished. It is a great example of collectors working with professionals. -
illustrated - From -
Southern Texas Archaeological Association __ "The Southern Texas Archaeological Association is a regional scientific and educational organization for individuals and groups interested in the archaeology, ethnohistory and prehistory of south-central and southern Texas ..." You will find articles, goals and much more. - From STAA -
Texas Archeological Research Laboratory __ "The Texas Archeological Research Laboratory (TARL) of The University of Texas at Austin is a nationally recognized archeological research facility and the largest archeological repository in the state." Many articles and links to related material. - illustrated - From TARL -
Texas Archeological Society's Home Page __ "The Texas Archeological Society promotes study, preservation and awareness of Texas archeology. The Society encourages scientific archeological exploration and research, the preservation and conservation of archeological materials and sites, and the interpretation and publication of the data attendant thereto." Learn about how they accomplish this, their goals and plans for the future. - illustrated - From Texas Archaeological Society -
Texas Archaeology and Ethnohistory Series, University of Texas Press __ While
these are reviews of publications rather than the entire publication, you may
still be able to find some interesting material in the review and excerpts from
each. - from University of Texas Press -
Texas Archaeology and the Law __ An overview of archaeological law in Texas. -
From University of North Texas -
Texas Archaeology Museum Directory __ List of archaeology museums in Texas - From -
Texas Arrowheads and Indian Artifacts - Virtual Museum __ A virtual
museum it
really is. There are arrowheads and Indian artifact photo galleries with
information and descriptions of 1000's of authentic prehistoric artifacts found
in Texas. - illustrated - From -
Texas Beyond History __ A popular guide to archeological sites from across the
state by Texas Archeological Research Laboratory and Texas Archeological
Society. illustrated, kids' section - From Texas Archaeological Research
Laboratory and Texas Archaeological Society -
Texas Snails in Archaeological Context __ "Snails are a commonly encountered portion of the faunal assemblage in many archaeological sites. In somecases the density of snail remains demand attention." While this is an 'abstract' of a larger work, it does provide a good deal of information. - From / Andrew F. Malof -
Welcome to The Rock Art Foundation __ "Until recently, few people knew that
Texas harbored one of the largest and most diverse bodies of rock art in the New
World. For decades, several individuals had devoted considerable time and energy
to the recording and preservation of the art -- Dr. And Mrs. D. J. Sibley, with
their friend and local rancher Rose Mary Jones, convinced the state to purchase
Seminole Canyon State Park & Historic Site as a refuge for examples of all the
prehistoric pictograph styles. Solveig Turpin and her colleagues searched for
unknown sites; and Jim Zintgraff photographed the many sites now seen by the
public at the Witte Museum. Faced with the realization that the art was
deteriorating at a rapid pace, we decided to coordinate our efforts and form a
foundation that could enlist the talents of a wider spectrum of the public."
Learn about their efforts. - illustrated - From -
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