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2006 Nebraska Code - § 82-504 — State Archeology Office; created; powers; State Archaeologist;qualifications. __ "There is hereby established the State Archaeology Office which shall be a division within the Nebraska State Historical Society. The purpose of the office shall be to coordinate and encourage appropriate archaeological undertakings and to preserve archaeological resources." Text of the law creating the Nebraska State Archaeologist Office. - From -
Archeological Timeline - Nebraska State Historical Society __ Several click-to-read articles about different periods in Nebraska history. - From -
Archaeology dig seeks clues to Nebraska's prehistoric past __ "A reservoir in McCook, Nebraska is opening a window into the state’s prehistoric past." A news article. - illustrated - From -
Archaeology and Paleontology - Nebraska Department of Roads __ "As one of the major earthmovers in the state, the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) is frequently in the position of being among the first to uncover evidence of historic significance. By taking part in a cooperative program of archaeological and paleontological salvage, we assist experts in other fields as they study the history of Nebraska and the planet." Learn more about the Department of Roads archaeological programs. - From -
Black Pioneers __ Information about the Aldrich Farm excavation. "Until 1997 systematic archeological investigations of African American sites had not been conducted in Nebraska . With the encouragement of Omaha historian Pat Kennedy, the Archeology Division initiated a pilot project. Society staff and volunteers, conducted several days of exploratory excavation last October at the Benton Aldrich site in Nemaha County. The Aldrich family was very involved in encouraging former slave families to relocate to southeast Nebraska." - illustrated - From Nebraska State Historical Society -
Category:Archaeological sites in Nebraska __ Index of articles related to Nebraska archaeology found in Wikipedia. - From wikipedia -
dig: Nebraska Archaeology Events
__ "dig's guide to special archaeological
programs, events, and exhibits in Nebraska" - From -
Digging archaeology along a pipeline in Nebraska __ "During archaeological surveys last fall, archaeologists found evidence that something was down there. As construction began this spring on the Keystone oil pipeline, which is running through northeast Nebraska, workers found a small piece of pottery and some arrowheads." A news article from 2009. - From -
Eagle Ridge __ "The Eagle Ridge site was a Oto village built on top of an older
Plains Woodland burial site. The site is just beginning to provide
archaeologists with insights into the life of the Oto tribe." Learn how a
housing development led to this find. - illustrated - From -
Fort Kearny State Historical Park __ "Archeological exploration by the Nebraska State Historical Society to locate building sites and other features has helped the Commission develop the park to give visitors an insight into the conditions and events contemporary with the settlement of the American West." A good overview of the park and its history. - From -
Highway Archaeology and Salvage Programs __ "In the early days when road construction uncovered evidence of ancient civilizations, archaeologists rushed to the site and worked diligently to save as many artifacts as they could before construction began." A history of the relationship between the highway department and archaeologists in the state of Nebraska. - illustrated - From -
The History of Scotts Bluff Nebraska (Archaeology) __ "Little study has as yet been made of the earliest remains of man in western Nebraska. However, occasional finds of human artifacts, associated with the bones of extinct mammals, in the Pleistocene deposits of the Platte country have led trained archaeologists to estimate an antiquity of approaching 10,000 years for man in the Scotts Bluff area." A brief overview and review of book. - From National Park Service -
Hudson-Meng Bison Kill __ "When Albert Meng was preparing to build a pond in the early 1950s, he uncovered bones weathering out of an eroding bank, and could not have imagined how important his discovery would become." Learn what is happening at this important site today. - From -
The Leary Site is an archaeological site located in the southeast corner of
Nebraska __ A gallery of artifacts and some basic information. - illustrated -
From Michael J. Fuller -
A Management Plan for Sites at the Arcadia Diversion Dam Area and Sherm Reservoir __ "This management plan for archaeological sites at Sherman Reservoir and the Arcadia Diversion Dam Area is the result of meetings and conference calls between representatives of the Bureau of Reclamation, the Nebraska State Historical Society, the Loup Basin Reclamation District, and the University of Nebraska State Museum." Learn all about the proposals. - from US Department of the Interior -
Nebraska Archaeological Society __ Learn about the organization, membership requirements, goals and accomplishments. - From Nebraska Archaeological Society -
Nebraska Archaeology Museum Directory __ List of archaeology museums in Nebraska - From -
Nebraska Association of Professional Archeologists __ "The Nebraska Association of Professional Archeologists was formed as a nonprofit organization in 1986 to promote the preservation and conservation of archeological sites in the state of Nebraska." Learn how it brings this about and what membership requirements are. - From NAPA -
Nebraska Department of Roads GIS Grant __ "The project will create a computerized map layer of known archeological, historic, and cultural sites in Nebraska. The layer will serve as a powerful research, resource preservation, and management tool..." Learn more about it. - From -
Nebraska Preservation Plan Profile __ Learn about the plan and its effects on historical and archaeological resources in Nebraska. - From National Park Service -
Nebraska State Historical Society Archaeology Division __ This is among the
better historical society archaeology websites I've found. - illustrated -
Nehawka Flint Quarries - NHR __ "Early archeologists observed nearly 300 unusual depressions in flint-rich areas of Pennsylvanian limestone formation along Weeping Water Creek near Nehawka." A brief overview. - From -
Rock Art at Indian Cave, Nebraska __ A pictorial essay - illustrated - From -
Sand Hills Archeology __ "Archeological research in the region has primarily consisted of unsystematic surveys with occasional surface collections and excavations. Funded opportunities to conduct large scale cultural resource management studies are infrequent, particularly within the Sand Hills interior." An overview of archaeology in the Sand Hills. A PDF file - From -
Shell tempered cookpot rimsherd with incised lines. __ Gallery of potsherds from the Leary Site (25RH1) in southeast Nebraska - illustrated - From -
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