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Ancient burial ground uncovered __ "More than a dozen skeletons thought to be thousands of years old, have been found by Oxford archaeologists working at an ancient burial site in Dorset." A dated news article (2008). - From -
Archaeology in Maldon, Essex, England, UK __ Two reports about archaeology in the Maldon area. One is an online book - illustrated - From the Maldon Archaeology Group -
Arthurian Archaeology __ Paper dealing with the archaeology of Tintagel Castle and the Arthurian legend -
Avebury & Stonehenge Stone Circles in Wessex __ Website offering reliable information on Wiltshire's Stonehenge and Avebury, the world's most famous stone circles and henges -
Bamburgh Research Project __ "Bamburgh Castle is one of the most important archaeological sites in Britain, containing within its bounds layers representing more than 2000 years of continuous occupation." You will find history, research reports and much more. - illustrated - From -
BBC - History - Archaeology and Ancient History - Roman __ A good overview of
Roman influence in Britain. "Lasting from AD 43 to 410,
Roman rule left a
lasting physical mark on Britain - Hadrian's Wall, Fosse Way, Burgh Castle and
villas at Chedworth, Fishbourne and Keynsham name but a few key sites. Less
visible but perhaps more enduring traces of Roman rule can be found in our
language, our culture and even the way we think." - well illustrated - From BBC
Beyond Stonehenge - Exploring Britain's Other Megalithic Mysteries __ Takes a
look at Britain's stone monuments in general and makes special mention of
Stonehenge -
The Bordesley Abbey Project __ "Any attempt to summarize in a single paper an archaeological project which has been running for over 30 years would, to say the least, be unwise, not to say impossible." However, here you will find something as close to it as you will get. There are several pages of reports, history and research information. - illustrated - From Prof. Grenville Astill/University of Reading -
The Boscombe Bowmen __ Wessex Archaeology's website about their research on burials near Stonehenge. - illustrated - From -
Bradford Kaims Project __ "The Bradford Kaims are located in North Northumberland, England, less than forty kilometres from the Scottish Border. It is surrounded by an extensive wetland that formed in the Late Glacial and was a large lake system throughout the Holocene. Many sites are known in this region, from Mesolithic and Neolithic scatters, to Bronze Age cairns and votive deposits, Iron Age hillforts and Medieval villages." Learn about the project and the opportunity to take part. - illustrated - From
Britain's Last Neanderthals Were More Sophisticated Than We Thought __ "An archaeological excavation at a site near Pulborough, West Sussex, has thrown remarkable new light on the life of northern Europe’s last Neanderthals." A news article. - From -
Canterbury Archaeological Trust __ Comprehensive site for the serious student of British archaeology offers annual dig reports from the early 1980s to late '90s - photos - By the Canterbury Archaeological Trust -
City of London Archaeological Trust __ "The City of London Archaeological Trust (CoLAT for short) was formed on 25 July 1974. The Trust is registered with the Charity Commission (number 268160) as a charity whose purpose is to support and initiate archaeological work in the City of London and its environs.- illustrated - From -
Council for British Archaeology __ "Established in 1944, the Council for British Archaeology (CBA) is an educational charity working throughout the UK to involve people in archaeology and to promote the appreciation and care of the historic environment for the benefit of present and future generations." Accomplishments and goals. - From wikipedia -
Cyber Ranch - Stonehenge __ photos and a description of Stonehenge today -
Digging into Ely's History __ About archaeology in Ely, England - illustrated -
Heathrow Dig Reveals Ancient Farming __ "Shedding new light on the development of farming, the archaeologists found that field boundaries laid down as early as 2,000 B.C. continued to be shown on maps in the 20th century." A brief news story about archaeological excavation at Heathrow International Airport. - illustrated - From The discovery Channel -
IOL: Independent Online __ About the fate of the archaeological find known as 'Seahenge.' Locals have decided to re-bury the structure rather than have it displayed in a museum - By the Independent Online -
Iron Age 'Sacrifice' Is Britain's Oldest Surviving Brain __ "The oldest surviving human brain in Britain, dating back at least 2000 years to the Iron Age, has been unearthed during excavations on the site of the University of York's campus expansion at Heslington East." A news story. - illustrated - From -
Lake Down, Near Wilsford, Wiltshire __ "Magnetometer and resistivity surveys were undertaken over the locations of three pond barrows on Lake Down, near Wilsford, Wiltshire, in March 1996." - By the Historic Buildings & Monuments Commission for England -
London & Middlesex Archaeological Society __ "The Society was founded in 1855 ‘for the purpose of investigating the antiquities and early history of the Cities of London and Westminster and the Metropolitan County of Middlesex’" :earn about their goals and accomplishments. - illustrated - From -
Secrets Beneath Your Feet __ Details the artifacts and crafts taken from the excavations of York - photos - Bythe York Archaeology Trust -
Sutton Common Excavation __ Keep up to date on the excavations of an Iron Age site at Sutton common. You will find a daily dig diary, photos, and more. - illustrated - From University of Exeter -
TimeWatch - Defending the past __ "Described by English Heritage as the most important ancient site between Stonehenge and the Orkneys, many people are shocked to learn that the entire area is subject to extensive quarrying, with proposals that aim to surround the major monuments by gravel quarries, this will drop the land surface by up to 7m, leaving behind only the major monuments surrounded by lakes - A devastating landscape transformation and a sad loss to World heritage." Learn about this remarkable effort to save an important part of the human past. an effort important to us all, not just to the United Kingdom. - illustrated - From -
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