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Abila of the Decapolis __ Website of the Decapolis (one of the cities of the Hellenistic league.) - photos and other illustrations - By the Abila Archaeological Project -
Aegean Prehistory Web Resources __ A good site for general information and links to additional resources. - From Andrea Vianello -
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens __ General website about
Greek archaeology - photos and other illustrations - Parts give choice of Greek
or English - By ASCSA -
The Ancient City of Athens __Photographic archive of the remains of
(Greece). many photos and illustrations - From -
Archaeology and the Ancient Greek Pythian Games at Delphi __ "The Pythian Games at Delphi were part of the festival of Apollo. The games occurred every four years, with each Pythiad marking the halfway point to the Olympics." Learn about the archaeological research and a history of the games. - illustrated - From -
Archaeology of Greece and the Greek Islands __ "You literally can't go far without coming across something ancient in Greece, ..." Here are descriptions and photos of some of the more famous archaeological sites in Greece. - illustrated - From -
Archaeopaedia: Aegean Archaeology __ "Defining the Aegean itself is hardly a trivial issue. For those who well know the field, Aegean prehistory contains the prehistoric archaeology of the Aegean islands (Cyclades), the Greek mainland, and Crete." An essay and conclusion along with resources. - From -
Athenian Agora Excavations __ You will find general information, excavation reports, maps and guide to the various buildings plus a lot more information about Greek archaeology. - illustrated - From American School of Classical Studies -
Behind the Mask of Agamemnon __ "Is the Mask of Agamemnon a forgery? The debate is raging. Find out here. Sophia Schliemann is said to have had a relative who was an Athenian goldsmith. "Schliemann was quite ready to have modern duplicates of finds made which he would pass off as genuine." - From Archaeology Magazine -
Category:Archaeology of Greece __ Here is a xollection of articles related to Greek archaeology found in Wikipedia - From wikipedia -
Cretan Minoan Finds __ "A newly discovered Minoan palace has yielded the oldest well-dated fresco fragment ever found in Crete." - illustrated - From Archaeological Institute of America -
Dr. J's Illustrated Guide to Sites in Greece __ You will find several illustrated lectures to archaeological sites in Greece. - illustrated - From Dr. Janice Siegel -
The Dutch Archaeological Fieldwork Project at Geraki __ About the archaeological work in Geraki, an ancient settlement near the city of Sparta - Greek or English -
Gournia, Archanes and Ayia Triada: Palaces or Not? __ "In order for a building complex to qualify as a "palace" it must be able to serve certain functions. First of all, it should play an economic role. This includes the storage and redistribution of various commodities and raw materials, and the manufacture of some more "industrial" products, such as bronzes, textiles, and so forth. At the same time it must provide an administrative centre for its surrounding territory." There is even more needed to qualify as a 'palace.' Find out what it and answer the question posed by the website title. - illustrated - From Ioannis Georganas/Classics Technology Center -
Greece Archaeological sites: A guide to the sites of Greece and the Greek Islands __ You will find a listing of sites along with a description and photos. - illustrated - From -
Greek Culture History and Archaeology __ You will find Culture history, archaeological sites, and other information related to the past of Greece. Many resources and links. - from -
INFOGRAPHY about Athens, Greece -- Ancient -- Topography __ "Sources recommended by a professor who specializes in the study of the urban design and archaeology of ancient Athens." A lot of information about Greek archaeology and links plus a good bibliography. - From Fields of Knowledge -
Isthmia __ "By permission of the Greek Ministry of Culture and with a permit through the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, The Ohio State University conducts a program of archaeological research, education, and publication at the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Isthmia." A report on this research. - illustrated - From -
Lesson Planning, Lesson Plan Formats and Lesson Plan Ideas __ How to produce a lesson plan and not just for Greek archaeology either. - From -
The Perseus Project __ You will find a searchable digital library of ancient Greece, including plans and photos of archaeological sites. - illustrated - From -
Pottery of ancient Greece __ An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Prehistoric Archaeology of the Aegean __ This site created at Dartmouth is a course on prehistoric archaeology of Greece divided into lessons. - illustrated - From -
Research and Fieldwork in Greek Archaeology __ You will find archaeological research reports on about a half dozen Greek sites. - illustrated - From Dr. Ken Wardle/University of Birmingham -
The Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology __ "The Ure Museum houses one of the largest collections of Greek ceramics in Britain " Learn about the collection and take an online tour. - illustrated - From University of Reading -
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