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*Ancient Egypt is too large a subject to try and encompass it all on one page of listings. While there may be some overlap, the other pages listed above will be of help filling in details to material found here.
3D Facial Reconstruction and Visualization of Ancient Egyptian Mummies... __ follow the reconstruction of an ancient Egyptian mummy from skull to looking alive - photos - From the Università di Pisa -
Adam Bulow-Jacobsen's Home Page __ Home page of an active Egyptologist and a gateway to the Copenhagen papyrus collection - From the University of Copenhagen -
Ancient Egyptian Animal Cemetery Found __ Egyptians mummified a wide range of animals from baboons to beetles - The photo is of a mummy case for mice - From - BBC -
Antiquity of Man Wadi Kubbaniya __ "Vegetable remains are a rarity in Palaeolithic contexts. These new determinations on material from southern Egypt establish securely the date of an intensive grass-tuber and fish economy in the Nile Valley towards 20,000 years ago." You will find an excellent essay. - From -
Archaeological Remains at Abusir-south __ Report of an ongoing excavation of a dig at Abusir - illustrated -English or Japanese -
Archaeologists Find New Treasures of Ancient Egypt __ Learn about the discovery of three Old Kingdom wooden statues - From CNN -
Berenike __ "Buried under the shifting sands of the Egyptian desert since its abandonment in about the sixth century AD, the ancient Red Sea port town Berenike lay undetected until Giovanni Belzoni discovered it in 1818." - photos - By the University of Pennsylvania -
The Berenike Project __ About the excavations at Berenike on Egypt's Red Sea coast - "finds registration" section is for password holders only - By the Netherlands Foundation for Scientific Research -
Bir Umm Fawakhir: Insights into Ancient Egyptian Mining __ Excavation of a 5th-6th century gold-mining town in Egypt covers both Byzantine and Coptic periods - photos - From the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society -
Cambridge Theban Mission Report 2000 __ About the study of coffin fragments found in the tomb of Senneferi - illustrated - From Nigel Strudwick -
Clickable Mummy __ Click on parts of the mummy photo to will find out different things about mummies and mummification - illustrated -
The Deir el-Medina Database __ Complete database pertaining to the ancient workmen's village of the Valley of the Kings - From Leiden University -
Development of the Ancient Egyptian Royal Mortuary... __ About the development of the Egyptian royal mortuary complexes - By Dr. Hawass -
Djoser Complex __ Step Pyramid Complex of Djoser (also spelled Zozer) was built during the Third Dynasty - photos and other illustrations - By the University of Pennsylvania -
Egypt Exploration Society __ Read about the Egypt Exploration Society. You will find dig diaries, news, expeditions, publications and membership information. - From Egypt Exploration Society -
Egypt: Funerary Cones (Funerary Stamps)
__ "Artifacts, often in
a conical shape made of fired clay bearing stamped funerary text on their
circular face, are generally referred to as funerary cones." Learn about their
history and use. - illustrated - From Mark Andrews/Tour Egypt -
__ Mark Millmore's... - An extensive website
about ancient Egypt - photos and other illustrations - By Mark Millmore -
Egyptian Culture Center, Waseda University __ Egyptology site about Waseda University expeditions in Egypt. A lot of material here - photos, reports - English or Japanese - Some notes are only in Japanese - From Waseda University -
Egyptian Royal Tombs of the New Kingdom __ Essay about the Royal Tombs and the Valley of the Kings - photos and other illustrations - By Kelley L. Ross, Ph.D -
Egyptology News and Gossip __ "Things heard officially, semi-officially, and unofficially" -
Egypt's Lost Queen: First Identification Of A Pharaoh Found In The Valley Of The Kings Since King Tut __ "ScienceDaily (June 28, 2007) — Secretary General of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities Dr. Zahi Hawass announced and unveiled June 27, in an international press conference at Cairo’s Egyptian Museum, a 3,500-year-old mummy now positively identified as Hatshepsut, one of history’s few female pharaohs." A news article. - illustrated - From -
Find In Egypt Promises More 'Wonderful Things' __ "ScienceDaily (Feb. 12, 2006) — The Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities has announced that an expedition sponsored by the University of Memphis has discovered a new tomb in the Valley of the Kings." A news article. - From -
The Giza Plateau Mapping Project __ About the work of the Giza Mapping Project since 1988 - photos - By the University of Chicago -
Home of the Virtual Egyptian Museum __ A remarkable online
exhibit. "This CyberMuseum brings you a collection of antiquities never shown
before in the New World. No one has seen any of these artifacts in a “real
museum” for the past 25 years." - illustrated - From
Illahun, Kahun and Gurob. Title page __ Full online text of the
book "Illahun, Kahun and Gurob" by W.M.Flinders Petrie, 1889-90 -
Interim Report on the Malqata Palace Project-E __ Report on the excavations and research of the palace built by Amenhotep III - illustrated - Japanese or English - By Professor Shin-ichi Nishimoto -
Learning Sites, Bill Riseman and the Fortress of Buhen... __ Excellent example of combining computers with archaeology and CAD graphic programs - illustrated - By Learning Sites Inc. -
Lesson Planning, Lesson Plan Formats and Lesson Plan Ideas __ How to produce a lesson plan and not just for Egyptian archaeology either. - From -
The Luxor-Farshut Desert Road Project __ Archaeology and survey results of the ancient road (a desert track) from Luxor to Farshût - illustrated - From the University of Chicago -
Mummies in SA __ Read about the three Egyptian mummies in South Africa and learn how they got there. - photos - From Albany Museum (South Africa) -
Museum of Science : The Quest for Immortality : Exploration __
Even an Egyptian mummy can require a trip to the hospital. Here you will learn
about the cat scans of an Egyptian mummy from the Carlos Museum. There is a
remarkable slide show detailing the trip to the hospital and the entrance
through the emergency room. Yes, even a
mummy has its pulse checked. -
illustrated - From Boston Museum of Science. -
Nabta Playa __ "The excavator considers the sites on Nabta Playa as the earliest
Neolithic sites in Egypt. This view has been questioned. The site is related to
'Early Khartoum'." You will find a sequential chart as well as statements
related to both sides of the issue. - From University College London -
NOVA Online | Secrets of Lost Empires | Pharaoh's Obelisk __ Learn about how Egyptians may have moved large blocks of stone, obelisks in this case. You will find how big they were, how they were cut and how they were transported. - illustrated - From NOVA -
P.A. Piccione: Theban Tombs Publication Project __ Theban Tombs Publication Project documents the history, architecture, decorations, and the contents of two rock-cut noblemen's tombs located at the top of the hill of Sheikh abd el-Gurna in Western Thebes - photos - From the University of Charleston S.C. -
Treasures of the Sunken City __ Explore one of the largest underwater archaeology sites in the Mediterranean, the sunken sections of the ancient city of Alexandria, Egypt. Articles, games and clips - illustrated - From PBS -
UCLA Egyptology Website __ This is a good all purpose website about Egyptology and is a good starting point for any research projects you may have in mind. You will find an assortment of reports and articles along with what promises to be some great future additions. You may want to keep checking back. - From UCLA -
A Virtual Exploration of the Lost Labyrinth __ Article about the virtual reconstruction of the Labyrinth at Hawara, Egypt and discover the history of the Labyrinth and its destruction. - photos and other illustrations - From University College London -
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