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Ancient Raised Field Agriculture __ Learn about an experimental archaeology project in Bolivia, using ancient farming techniques, that has raised more than just corn, beans, and squash. - illustrated - From upenn.edu - http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~cerickso/applied3.html
Ancient ship found buried near Argentine river __ "Workers digging to lay the foundation of a luxury apartment complex in Argentina uncovered a Spanish ship believed to be from the 18th century." A dated news article (2008). - From archaeologydaily.com - http://www.archaeologydaily.com/news/20081230209/Ancient-ship-found-buried-near-Argentine-river.html
Archeology And Genetics Team Up To Put A Much Earlier Date On South American Agriculture __ "Research by UMaine researcher Dan Sandweiss places cornmeal on the menu for native Americans much earlier than previously believed." A news article. - From sciencedaily.com - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/03/060305093432.htm
Bolivia - Culture History and Archaeology __ A collection of resources and links about Bolivian archaeology. - From about.com - http://archaeology.about.com/od/bolivia/Bolivia_Culture_History_and_Archaeology.htm
Caral: The Earliest Civilization in the New World __ "Early in 2001, a site located on the Pacific coast of Peru which had been known for over a hundred years made headlines all over the world. The site of Caral and the cluster of eighteen similarly dated sites located in the Supe Valley included in what is now called the Caral-Supe Civilization are important because together they represent the earliest known urban settlement in the Americas--nearly 4600 years before the present." A good overview. - illustrated - From about.com - http://archaeology.about.com/od/southamerica/a/caral.htm
Category:Archaeology of Peru __ Listing of articles related to the archaeology of Peru found in wikipedia. - From wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Archaeology_of_Peru
Chamak Pacha Archaeological Research Project __ "These pages are devoted to an ongoing research project in the southern Lake Titicaca Basin that is focused on developing a more detailed understanding of the transition from hunting and gathering to the development of settled village life and the adoption of domesticated plants and animals." Well, I certainly couldn't say it any better. - illustrated - From - UC Santa Barbara - http://titicaca.ucsb.edu/chamak_pacha/
Chinchrorro Mummies __ The oldest mummies in the world are those of the Chinchorro culture of Chile. This article considers the 7,000 year old mummies as an art form. - From archaeology.org - http://www.archaeology.org/online/features/chinchorro/index.html
Cotahuasi Introduction __ "Proyecto Cotahuasi is an ongoing archaeological research project in the mountains of Peru. The project's main goal is to develop a basic understanding of the prehistory of the Cotahuasi River Valley." You will find papers, maps, research results and more. - illustrated - From UC Santa Barbara - http://titicaca.ucsb.edu/cotahuasi/jennings/index.html
Easter Island __ Student-written article about the archaeology, ecology, and history of Easter Island. - From ThinkQuest - http://library.thinkquest.org/3011/eastert.htm
Easter Island Copes With World Heritage Designation __ "Easter Island has been named a World Heritage site by UNESCO. This article from CNN discusses the pros and cons of such a designation." - http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9610/16/chile/
Evidence From Dirty Teeth: Ancient Peruvians Ate Well __ "Starch grains preserved on human teeth reveal that ancient Peruvians ate a variety of cultivated crops including squash, beans, peanuts and the fruit of cultivated pacay trees." A news story. - From sciencedaily.com - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/12/081201200121.htm
Exploring Chavín de Huántar __ They say it best. "The point of this web site is to introduce you to the site of Chavín de Huántar through virtual reality and a variety of photographs integrated within that experience, and help you ponder some of the big questions that archaeologists face with such data. Chavín de Huántar is located in Peru, 250 km to the north of Lima, and has long been a site of public interest and archaeological inquiry." - illustrated - From Stanford University - http://www.stanford.edu/~johnrick/chavin_wrap/chavin/
Exploring South America - Archaeology Magazine __ An article detailing some major archaeological finds over the last few decades. - From archaeology.org - http://www.archaeology.org/9901/abstracts/samerica.html
Field Schools and Scheduled Excavations in South America __ Information about schools, digs and how to participate. - From about.com - http://archaeology.about.com/od/southamericandigs/Field_Schools_and_Scheduled_Excavations_in_South_America.htm
The Infography about Archaeology in Andean South America __ "Sources recommended by an expert whose research specialty is South American archaeology." A bibliography. - From infography.com - http://www.infography.com/content/534660314924.html
Images of Sites in Easter Island __ Photos taken on Easter Island. Professor Clive Ruggles has posted images of the moai, petroglyphs (including one of a shark), cave paintings, and more - http://www.le.ac.uk/archaeology/rug/image_collection/hier/pn/r1.html
Introduction to the archaeology of north of Peru __ Learn about the
archaeology of the Moches, Lambayeque and Chimu cultures in the north of Peru. -
illustrated - From inkanatura.com -
The Larry Coben Archaeology Web Site __ Learn about archaeological research
at the monumental Inca site of Inkallakta in Bolivia. You will also learn about
the "archaeology of performance." - illustrated - by Larry Coben -
PBS NOVA Online - Ice Mummies __ "Explore the complex and conflicting issues that arise when a mummy is found—from who owns it, to how to study it, to whether it should be put on display. " This and other questions addressed in this detailed website. - illustrated - From PBS - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/icemummies/
Pampas and Patagonia, Argentina and Chile Abstract __ "This paper is a summary of the late Pleistocene and early Holocene archaeological record in the Pampas and Patagonia of South America. Most of these sites are located in Argentina, although a few are in the far southern reaches of Chile. Each site is reviewed in terms of lithic and faunal assemblages, as well as available radiocarbon dates." - illustrated - From Jason M. LaBelle - http://www.ele.net/LaBelle/pampas/pamstart.htm
Peopling of South America __ "A cave in the Amazon River basin near the town of Monte Alegre in northern Brazil has yielded evidence that people migrating from North to South America some 11,000 years ago did not settle exclusively in the Andes as previously believed." A brief essay. - From archaeology.org - http://www.archaeology.org/9607/newsbriefs/brazil.html
Prehispanic Earthworks of the Baures Region of the Bolivian Amazon __ "The discovery of the massive prehispanic earthworks over broad areas in the eastern lowlands of Bolivia in the early 1960s drastically challenged traditional perspectives regarding cultural development in the Amazonian drainage." You will find a detailed overview. - illustrated - From upenn.edu - http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~cerickso/baures/baures2.htm
Proyecto Inkallakta ( Incallajta Incallacta Inkallajta )
__ An excellent gallery of photos and notes about
Inca reasearch at Inkallakta, Bolivia. -
illustrated - By Larry Coben -
Santa Catarina Island Survey, Brazil __ Learn the results of a rock art survey in Santa Catarina Island and adjacent islands. - illustrated - From rupestre.net - http://www.rupestre.net/tracce/cat2eng.html
South American Archaeology __ Directory of online resources on South American archaeology. - From academicinfo.net - http://www.academicinfo.net/archysa.html
South American Archaeology: Early Intermediate __ "Can you explain the term Early Intermediate? In moving into this time period, remember that Chavin and its related cultures comprise a horizon, with at least a veneer of similarity overlying many local archaeological manifestations." A very good overview of this period in history. - illustrated - From indiana.edu - http://www.indiana.edu/~arch/saa/matrix/saa/saa_mod06.html
South American Archaeology News __ Stay current with important archaeology news articles about South American archaeology. - illustrated - From lostworlds.org/ - http://lostworlds.org/category/news/south-american-archaeology-news/
South American Archaeology: Paleo-Indian __ "Where did the first South Americans come from and when did they arrive? We might use the term Paleo-Indian to mean earliest Americans on both continents." You will find a fairly lengthy paper addressing the subject in some detail - From indiana.edu - http://www.indiana.edu/~arch/saa/matrix/saa/saa_mod02.html
South American Archaeology Pictures of Record __ A couple of click-to-view galleries of click-to-enlarge photos related to South American archaeology. Two galleries are free and the other two are trying to sell a cd. - illustrated - From picturesofrecord.com - http://www.picturesofrecord.com/south%20american.htm
South American Culture History and Archaeology __ You will find many resources and links. - From about.com - http://archaeology.about.com/od/southamerica/South_American_Culture_History_and_Archaeology.htm
The Tello Obelisk __ "The Tello Obelisk is a prismatic granite monolith from the archaeological site of Chavín de Huantár in north-central Peru. The Obelisk features one of the most complex stone carvings known in the Americas for its time." Read about its discovery, possible history, and more. - illustrated - From James Q. Jacobs - http://www.jqjacobs.net/andes/tello.html
Upper Colca Project __ Information about archaeological research in the Upper Colca river valley. You will find a report is several sections covering such topics as methodology, findings and plans. - illustrated - From UC Santa Barbara - http://titicaca.ucsb.edu/colca/
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