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Archaeological Study of a Limestone Sinkhole: Diving in Manantial de la Aleta East National Park, Dominican Republic __ "The La Aleta site lies deep in the jungle of East National Park far from any established roads. There is a trail which can be taken from Boca de Yuma through La Granchorra, but it is very difficult. The team assembled several tons of diving supplies and equipment needed to conduct the archaeological study." A report on the research. - illustrated - From indiana.edu - http://www.indiana.edu/~r317doc/dr/cenote/cenote.html
Baltic Mystery Wreck __ "The Swedish Navy has released footage of a spectacularly preserved eighteenth-century ship discovered during routine winter exercises in the Baltic Sea." A brief article. - From archaeology.org - http://www.archaeology.org/0207/newsbriefs/baltic.html
Benwood Historic Shipwreck 1942 (Florida) __ The merchant marine freighter Benwood sank off the Florida Keys in 1942, A report on investigations from Indiana University. - illustrated - From indiana.edu - http://www.indiana.edu/~r317doc/trail/benwood.html
Connecticut Underwater Archaeology __ They pretty much say it all. "When most people think of archaeology, they think of excavation below ground. However, with Connecticut's extensive coast and inland lakes, much of the state's archaeological heritage lies undiscovered beneath the water. In recognition of the importance of these resources, the Office of State Archaeology and the State Historic Preservation Office are striving to develop a cooperative relationship with divers, coastal residents, maritime historians, amateur archaeologists, fishermen and the interested public to identify and protect Connecticut's underwater resources." - illustrated - From Connecticut State Museum of Natural History - http://www.mnh.uconn.edu/underwater/
Department of Maritime Archaeology __ You will find links to excavation sites, galleries, and marine archaeology -illustrated - From Western Australian Maritime Museum - http://www.mm.wa.gov.au/Museum/toc/dmatoc.html#anchor543942
The Devereaux Cove Project __ "Learn about the Penobscot Expedition and shipwreck remains at Devereaux Cove, Stockton Springs, Maine." - illustrated - from Unknown - http://members.tripod.com/penobscot1779/index.html
Diving on the Pandora __ About archaeological diving on the ship that chased down the mutineers of the HMS Bounty - photos and other illustrations - From Queensland Museum - http://www.archaeology.org/online/features/pandora/index.html
Dominican Republic Research Home Page __ Indiana University's underwater research project in the Dominican Republic. - photos, reports - From Indiana University - http://www.indiana.edu/~r317doc/dr/
Extreme Archaeology: Divers Plumb the Mysteries of Sacred Maya Pools __ "ScienceDaily (July 22, 2010) — Steering clear of crocodiles and navigating around massive submerged trees, a team of divers began mapping some of the 25 freshwater pools of Cara Blanca, Belize, which were important to the ancient Maya." A news article. - From sciencedaily.com - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/07/100722102041.htm
Florida's Underwater Archaeological Preserves __ "In 1987, Florida began to develop a statewide system of underwater parks featuring shipwrecks and other historic sites. The shipwreck preserves have become popular attractions for skin and scuba diving visitors to witness a part of Florida's history first-hand." You can find out how to visit these regions. - illustrated - From flheritage.com - http://www.flheritage.com/archaeology/underwater/preserves/
Gulf of Cambay underwater archaeology - 3500 B.C. __ "The carbon dating of the wooden artifact, which was recently carried out by the Birbal Sahani Institute of Palaeobotony and the National Geophysical Research Institute, indicates that the settlements, accidentally discovered by a team of oceanographers, could be one of the oldest Neolithic sites discovered in India till date." A brief look at the site and research. - From archaeologyonline.net - http://www.archaeologyonline.net/artifacts/gulf-of-cambay.html
Introduction and Index to Files __ Dedicated to the conservation of archaeological materials from underwater sites - From Texas A&M University - http://nautarch.tamu.edu/class/anth605/File0.htm#ConservationFiles
Kyushu and Okinawa Society for Underwater Archaeology __ English page describing several underwater archaeology sites from Japan, including submerged terrestrial sites and shipwrecks. - From Kyushu and Okinawa Society for Underwater Archaeology - http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/~uwarchae/english-index.htm
Lesson Planning, Lesson Plan Formats and Lesson Plan Ideas __ How to produce a lesson plan and not just for marine archaeology either. - From adprima.com - http://www.adprima.com/lesson.htm
Little Salt Spring home page __ "The site, Little Salt Spring (8So18), is located in southwestern Florida, in southern Sarasota County about 5 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. It is a relatively unique type of spring-fed sinkhole that may have served as an oasis in the peninsula during early prehistoric time (Paleoindian through middle Archaic periods..." You will find a good report though understanding it completely requires the following: - "In the International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 22(2): 167-172 (1993) I presented the results, through September of 1992, of experiments with Hi8 video imagery of the excavation levels captured as digital imagery and processed through a commercial Geographical Information System (GIS) with the objective of producing accurate (planimetric) mosaics of each 10 cm-thick level. Almost none of that information is repeated here, so it's absolutely required to have the article in hand before reading this document." - From University of Miami - http://www.rsmas.miami.edu/groups/lss/
Mansfield Cut Underwater Archeological District __ The district holds several ship wrecks and you can learn about three of them here. An encyclopedic article with links to related material. - illustrated - From wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mansfield_Cut_Underwater_Archeological_District
The Maple Leaf in Historical Perspective __ "The Maple Leaf was built in Canada in 1851 for the Lake Ontario steamboat trade carrying passengers, freight and livestock. She was also a popular excursion steamer. She was employed in various facets of this trade until August, 1862 when she was sold to Boston ship owners who chartered her to the U.S. Army Quartermaster Department for use as an Army transport." - photos, research results - http://www.mapleleafshipwreck.com/Book/introduction/intro1.htm
Maritime Archaeological and Historical Society __ "The Maritime Archaeological and Historical Society (MAHS) is organized for the purpose of enhancing public awareness and fostering appreciation for the significance of historic shipwrecks and other submerged cultural resources." Read about the organization, accomplishments and goals. - illustrated - From mahsnet.org - http://www.mahsnet.org/
Maritime archaeology __ An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated - From wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maritime_archaeology
Maritime Archaeology in Russia __ "The first underwater archaeological works in Russia started in the beginning of our century. In this time an ancient harbour was investigated at Feodosia, at the Black Sea, as well as a post-medieval boat in the northern part of Chudskoe Lake. But those were only the first experiences from land archaeologists in a water environment." You will find a discussion of the problems and history of underwater archaeology in the Black Sea, from Peter Sorokin of the Russian Academy of Science. - From Petr Sorokin - http://www.abc.se/~m10354/mar/rus-arch.htm
Maritime Archaeology, Underwater Remote Sensing Surveys, Marine ... __ While a commercial site, you will still find general information and some good project reports. - illustrated - From dolanresearch.com - http://www.dolanresearch.com/
Massachusetts Board of Underwater Archaeological Resources __ "Established in 1973, the Massachusetts Board of Underwater Archaeological Resources (BUAR) is the sole trustee of the Commonwealth's underwater heritage, promoting and protecting the public's interests in these resources for recreational, economic, environmental, and historical purposes." Learn about this organization and its activities. - illustrated - From State of Massachusetts - http://www.mass.gov/czm/buar/index.htm
The "Melkarth" - Meeting Place for Two Worlds? __ "Treasure Hunters? Archaeologists? Is there room for both? You can find an attempt to answer that question in this brief paper. - From ProSEA - http://prosea.org/articles-news/current/melkarth_2worlds.html
The Mombasa Wreck Excavation - The Santo Antonio de Tanna, Turkey __ "The excavation of the "Santo Antonio de Tanna" was carried out between 1977 and 1979 under the auspices of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology and the National Museums of Kenya. Diving operations were carried out from a barge moored over the wrecksite..." A brief report. - illustrated - From diveturkey.com - http://www.diveturkey.com/inaturkey/mombasa.htm
Nordic Underwater Archaeology __ "If you like history and scuba diving, this is for you. The Baltic Sea, in Northern Europe, is a cold brackish sea where wood is preserved for centuries. Many sunken ships still wait to be discovered." - photos and other illustrations, reports - http://www.abc.se/~pa/uwa/index.html
North Caribbean Research __ Learn about the Anglo-Danish archaeological team and their research in the Caribbean. - illustrated - From admat.org.uk - http://www.admat.org.uk/
Port Royal Project __ "Once known as the 'Wickedest City on Earth,' Port Royal on the island of Jamaica was one of the largest towns in the English colonies during the late 17th century." Learn some history and about the archaeological research on the submerged parts of the city. - illustrated - From tamu.edu - http://nautarch.tamu.edu/portroyal/
The Queen Anne's Revenge Shipwreck Project __ "In 1997, under the direction of the Underwater Archaeology Branch of the North Carolina Division of Archives and History, archaeologists began exploring, documenting, and recovering archaeological remains at the Queen Anne's Revenge shipwreck site." You will find the results of that research and plans for the future. - illustrated - From qaronline.org - http://www.qaronline.org/
The Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project __ While the website is about marine archaeology, the concept is one which includes the whole of the state of Rhode Island - photos - By RIMAP - http://www.rimap.org/
Shipwrecks Home Page __ You will find articles about California shipwrecks, pictures of artifacts, video, a database of California wrecks and links. - illustrated - From the California State Lands Commission - http://shipwrecks.slc.ca.gov/
The Torrent Shipwreck Project, Alaska __ "The Torrent is one of Alaska’s most historically important shipwrecks. She was carrying more than a hundred US Army soldiers of Battery F, Second Artillery division; men who had been sent north to protect American interests in the Cook Inlet region following the American purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867. The loss of the Torrent—and the supplies and provisions she carried when she sank—changed the course of Alaska history." Learn about the project and future plans. - illustrated - From lostshipwrecks.com - http://www.lostshipwrecks.com/shipwreck_projects/torrent_project/torrent_project.htm
Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago __ "The "Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago" is a volunteer, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the study and preservation of Lake Michigan shipwrecks and to research topical underwater subjects of historical interest surrounding this great lake." Learn about the organization, goals and accomplishments. Kind of hard to read with black text on green background. - From uaschicago.org - http://www.uaschicago.org/
Underwater Archaeology __ You will find a general overview of underwater archaeology. - illustrated - From crystalinks.com - http://crystalinks.com/underwaterarch.html
Underwater Archaeology: French Ministry of Culture __ You will find a lot of information about French underwater archaeology, once you learn how to navigate the pages in this site. The designers seemed to want to make it as hard as possible to access information. - illustrated - From gouv.fr - http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/archeosm/en/
Underwater Archaeology Glossary __ "Small underwater archaeology dictionary, explaining the most common topics." - From Nordic Underwater Archaeology - http://www.abc.se/~pa/uwa/glossary.htm
Underwater Exploration Seeks Evidence Of Early Americans __ "Where the first Americans came from, when they arrived and how they got here is as lively a debate as ever, only most of the research to date has focused on dry land excavations. But, last summer's pivotal underwater exploration in the Gulf of Mexico led by Mercyhurst College archaeologist Dr. James Adovasio yielded evidence of inundated terrestrial sites that may well have supported human occupation more than 12,000 years ago, and paved the way for another expedition this July." A news article. - From sciencedaily.com - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/07/090709120654.htm
USS Arizona Preservation Project 2004 __ Read about recent investigations by the US National Park Service of the wreck of the American battleship sunk during the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in December of 1941. - illustrated - From National Park Service - http://www.pastfoundation.org/Arizona/
West Georgia Underwater Archaeological Society __ "The West Georgia Underwater Archaeological Society (WGUAS) was founded in 2002 by recreational divers and historians in West Georgia to discover, conserve, and preserve local submerged historical sites. WGUAS seeks to educate the public about the importance of our underwater heritage." Learn about this organization and its activities, goals, and plans for the future. - illustrated - From WGUAS - http://www.wguas.org/
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